New nut binary files

Sergio Durigan Junior sergiodj at
Wed Nov 23 17:17:26 UTC 2022

On Wednesday, November 23 2022, Athos Ribeiro wrote:

> Hi,
> We sync'd nut 2.8.0-5 from Debian and the new package includes a few new
> binaries that depend on universe packages. Namely:
> - nut-i2c
> - nut-modbus
> - nut-monitor
> The first two include additional drivers for I2C and Modbus based
> protocols. They depend on libi2c0 and libmodbus5 (universe packages),
> respectively.
> The last one is a GUI application that was available back in bionic but
> was dropped on focal due to unsupported gtk packages. Back then, the
> package was in universe. It now depends on python3-pyqt5.
> There is also a new
> - python3-nut
> package, which does not depend on any additional python packages.
> Now, I am proposing that we should demote
> - nut-i2c
> - nut-modbus
> - nut-monitor
> for now, and assess whether we want to promote the first two (the driver
> sets) later. The GUI was already in universe in the past, when it was
> around, and I suppose it should remain in universe for the time being
> since supporting that would require qt packages support.
> Thoughts?

Athos and I discussed this after the standup today and I agree with this
proposal.  We already have our share of MIRs to do this cycle and I
don't see these new nut modules as high priority.


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