New nut binary files

Athos Ribeiro athos.ribeiro at
Wed Nov 23 17:11:00 UTC 2022


We sync'd nut 2.8.0-5 from Debian and the new package includes a few new
binaries that depend on universe packages. Namely:

- nut-i2c
- nut-modbus
- nut-monitor

The first two include additional drivers for I2C and Modbus based
protocols. They depend on libi2c0 and libmodbus5 (universe packages),

The last one is a GUI application that was available back in bionic but
was dropped on focal due to unsupported gtk packages. Back then, the
package was in universe. It now depends on python3-pyqt5.

There is also a new

- python3-nut

package, which does not depend on any additional python packages.

Now, I am proposing that we should demote

- nut-i2c
- nut-modbus
- nut-monitor

for now, and assess whether we want to promote the first two (the driver
sets) later. The GUI was already in universe in the past, when it was
around, and I suppose it should remain in universe for the time being
since supporting that would require qt packages support.


Athos Ribeiro

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