New nut binary files

Steve Langasek steve.langasek at
Thu Nov 24 03:26:12 UTC 2022

On Wed, Nov 23, 2022 at 02:11:00PM -0300, Athos Ribeiro wrote:
> We sync'd nut 2.8.0-5 from Debian and the new package includes a few new
> binaries that depend on universe packages. Namely:

> - nut-i2c
> - nut-modbus
> - nut-monitor


> There is also a new

> - python3-nut

Note that these packages were all already listed on
as wanting demotion to universe.  I hadn't looked at that page since the
start of the lunar cycle, but I have now in response to this thread, and
have processed the actionable demotions.  If you want python3-nut to be
included in main, it will need to be seeded (but does not require an MIR).

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer                         
slangasek at                                     vorlon at
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