Tuesday bug triage report

Bryce Harrington bryce.harrington at canonical.com
Tue Jun 29 15:41:39 UTC 2021

On Tue, Jun 29, 2021 at 11:07:16AM -0300, Lucas Kanashiro wrote:
> Bugs last updated on 2021-06-28 (Monday)
> Date range identified as: "Tuesday triage"
> Found 10 bugs
> Some comments:
> https://pad.lv/1890263 - *+(New)          [php7.4]         - release
> upgrade does not move to the new php apache mod
> also:                  - *+(New)          [php8.0]         - release
> upgrade does not move to the new php apache mod
> -> I'd like to bring this to Bryce's attention (also Utkarsh) since it
> seems to also impact the upgrade to PHP 8.

I added the task here, just because I have no reason to think it won't
be an issue for php 8.0 as well, however I haven't had a chance to look
into it.

> https://pad.lv/1933378 - (Confirmed)      [requests]       - Unable to
> build from source mongodb-server-core - focal
> -> Paride mentioned this bug recently, this is a confirmed bug (mongodb
> FTBFS in Focal) so I subscribed ubuntu-server to add it to the backlog.
> ---
> Bugs tagged 'server-next' and not touched in 60 days
> Found 0 bugs
> ---
> Bugs in backlog and not touched in 180 days
> Found 1 bugs
> https://pad.lv/1897153 - (Confirmed)      [sssd]           - Automount
> fails due to SSSD config (Groovy Gorilla)
> -> I added a comment asking for more testing since there are some sssd
> updates after the last comment.
> Lucas Kanashiro.

> -- 
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