Ubuntu Server development summary - 29 October 2019
Chad Smith
chad.smith at canonical.com
Tue Oct 29 23:02:33 UTC 2019
Hello Ubuntu Server,
The purpose of this communication is to provide a status update and
highlights for any interesting subjects from the Ubuntu Server Team. If
you would like to reach the server team, you can find us at
the #ubuntu-server channel on Freenode. Alternatively, you can sign up
and use the Ubuntu Server Team mailing list [0] or visit the
Ubuntu Server discourse hub [1] for more
[0]: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-server
[1]: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/c/server
## Spotlight: Ubuntu 19.10 (Eoan Ermine) released!
Ubuntu 19.10 (Eoan Ermine) released on October 17, 2019. In this new
release serveral major server packages have been updated to the latest
version. Among these: QEMU 4.8, libvirt 5.4, MySQL 8.0, PHP 7.3, cloud-
init 19.2.
The ppc64el and arm64 live-server ISO images are now considered
production ready
and are the preferred media to install Ubuntu Server on bare metal on
the two
architectures. Check out the release notes [2] for more details!
[2]: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EoanErmine/ReleaseNotes#Ubuntu_Server
## cloud-init
cloud-init is moving from Launchpad to GitHub! Daniel Watkins and Ryan
Harper have
been working on getting initial travis.yml together for allowing travis
to run our
CI tests, and we are already green at https://travis-ci.org/cloud-
We are currently sorting out the rest of our CI, but the expectation for
community is that we'll soon have an announcement and simple procedure
to get
folks contributing with pull requests @ https://github.com/cloud-
instead of posting branch review requests at
Here is the usual commit summary:
- net/netplan: use ipv6-mtu key for specifying ipv6 mtu values
- Fix usages of yaml, and move yaml_dump to safeyaml.dumps. (LP:
#1849640 [3])
- exoscale: Increase url_max_wait to 120s. [Chris Glass]
- net/sysconfig: fix available check on SUSE distros
Robert Schweikert] ([LP: #1849378 [4])
- docs: Fix incorrect Azure IMDS IP address Joshua Powers] ([LP:
#1849508 [5])
- introduce .travis.yml
- net: enable infiniband support in eni and sysconfig renderers
Darren Birkett] ([LP: #1847114 [6])
- guestcust_util: handle special characters in config file [Xiaofeng
- fix some more typos in comments [Dominic Schlegel]
- replace any deprecated log.warn with log.warning
Dominic Schlegel] ([LP: #1508442 [7])
[3]: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1849640
[4]: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1849378
[5]: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1849508
[6]: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1847114
[7]: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1508442
## curtin
- Retry git clones/fetches to avoid spurious CI errors [Paride Legovini]
- t/jenkins-runner: replace $EPOCHSECONDS with 'date +%s' [Paride
- curthooks: skip setup_kernel_img_conf on eoan and newer (LP: #1847257
- block_meta: use lookup for wwn, fix fallback from wwn, serial, path
(LP: #1849322 [10])
- vmtest: Adjust TestScsiBasic to use dnames to find correct disk
- schema: Add ptable value 'unsupported' (LP: #1848535 [11])
- tools/xkvm: add -nographic to speed up devopt query
- test_block_dasd: fix random_device_id to only generate valid IDs
(LP: #1849549 [12])
- vmtest: update skip_if_arch message
- Add skip_by_date to eoan ipv6 vlan test
[8]: https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/server-jenkins-jobs/pull/85
[9]: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1847257
[10]: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1849322
[11]: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1848535
[12]: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1849549
## Contact the Ubuntu Server team
- Chat on #ubuntu-server on Freenode
- Email the ubuntu-server mailing list [13]
- Find us on the Ubuntu Community Hub - server channel [14]
[13]: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-server
[14]: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/c/server
## Bug Work and Triage
- 280 bugs in the backlog [15]
- Notes on daily bug triage [16]
[15]: 'https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server/+subscribedbugs
[16]: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/KnowledgeBase#Bug_Triage
## Ubuntu Server Packages
Below is a summary of uploads to the development and supported
releases. Current status of the Debian to Ubuntu merges is tracked on
the Merge-o-Matic page [17]. For a
full list of recent merges with change logs please see the Ubuntu
Server report [18].
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Waiting to hear from Launchpad about your decision...
[17]: https://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html
[18]: http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server/merges.html
### Proposed Uploads to the Supported Releases
Please consider testing the following by enabling proposed [19],
checking packages for update regressions, and making sure to mark
affected bugs verified as fixed [20].
[19]: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/EnableProposed
[20]: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Verification
Total: 8
- bind9, bionic, 1:9.11.3+dfsg-1ubuntu1.10, lucaskanashiro [21]
- haproxy, bionic, 1.8.8-1ubuntu0.6, paelzer [22]
- haproxy, disco, 1.8.19-1ubuntu1.1, paelzer [23]
- haproxy, eoan, 2.0.5-1ubuntu0.1, paelzer [24]
- open-vm-tools, bionic, 2:10.3.10-1~ubuntu0.18.04.2, paelzer [25]
- open-vm-tools, disco, 2:10.3.10-1ubuntu0.19.04.1, paelzer [26]
- ubuntu-advantage-tools, trusty, 19.6~ubuntu14.04.2, ahasenack [27]
- ubuntu-advantage-tools, trusty, 19.6~ubuntu14.04.1, ahasenack [28]
[21]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bind9/1:9.11.3+dfsg-1ubuntu1.10
[22]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/haproxy/1.8.8-1ubuntu0.6
[23]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/haproxy/1.8.19-1ubuntu1.1
[24]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/haproxy/2.0.5-1ubuntu0.1
### Uploads Released to the Supported Releases
Total: 10
- apache2, xenial, 2.4.18-2ubuntu3.14, chardan [29]
- cloud-utils, disco, 0.31-0ubuntu1.2, rafaeldtinoco [30]
- php7.0, xenial, 7.0.33-0ubuntu0.16.04.7, mdeslaur [31]
- php7.2, disco, 7.2.24-0ubuntu0.19.04.1, mdeslaur [32]
- php7.2, bionic, 7.2.24-0ubuntu0.18.04.1, mdeslaur [33]
- php7.3, eoan, 7.3.11-0ubuntu0.19.10.1, mdeslaur [34]
- samba, eoan, 2:4.10.7+dfsg-0ubuntu2.2, mdeslaur [35]
- samba, disco, 2:4.10.0+dfsg-0ubuntu2.6, mdeslaur [36]
- samba, bionic, 2:4.7.6+dfsg~ubuntu-0ubuntu2.13, mdeslaur [37]
- samba, xenial, 2:4.3.11+dfsg-0ubuntu0.16.04.23, mdeslaur [38]
[29]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apache2/2.4.18-2ubuntu3.14
[30]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-utils/0.31-0ubuntu1.2
[31]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php7.0/7.0.33-0ubuntu0.16.04.7
[32]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php7.2/7.2.24-0ubuntu0.19.04.1
[33]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php7.2/7.2.24-0ubuntu0.18.04.1
[34]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php7.3/7.3.11-0ubuntu0.19.10.1
[35]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/samba/2:4.10.7+dfsg-0ubuntu2.2
[36]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/samba/2:4.10.0+dfsg-0ubuntu2.6
### Uploads to the Development Release
Total: 38
- edk2, 0~20190828.37eef910-3, pkg-qemu-devel [39]
- exim4, 4.92.1-1ubuntu4, doko [40]
- freeradius, 3.0.19+dfsg-3build1, doko [41]
- ldb, 2:1.5.5-0ubuntu3, doko [42]
- libapache2-mod-perl2, 2.0.11-1ubuntu2, doko [43]
- libfcgi-perl, 0.78-2build3, doko [44]
- libseccomp, 2.4.1-0ubuntu0.19.10.4, doko [45]
- libvirt-python, 5.0.0-1build1, doko [46]
- markupsafe, 1.1.0-1build1, doko [47]
- memcached, 1.5.10-0ubuntu4, doko [48]
- mod-wsgi, 4.6.8-0ubuntu1, doko [49]
- mod-wsgi, 4.6.5-1build1, doko [50]
- mysql-8.0, 8.0.17-0ubuntu3, doko [51]
- net-snmp, 5.7.3+dfsg-5ubuntu6, doko [52]
- nginx, 1.16.1-0ubuntu3, doko [53]
- open-vm-tools, 2:11.0.1-2, bzed [54]
- openbsd-inetd, 0.20160825-4build1, doko [55]
- openldap, 2.4.48+dfsg-1ubuntu2, doko [56]
- postgresql-11, 11.5-1build1, doko [57]
- postgresql-common, 208, team+postgresql [58]
- postgresql-common, 204ubuntu1, adconrad [59]
- probert, 0.0.17build1, doko [60]
- python-cffi, 1.13.0-0ubuntu1, doko [61]
- python-cffi, 1.12.3-1build2, doko [62]
- python-tornado, 5.1.1-4ubuntu5, corey.bryant [63]
- python-tornado, 5.1.1-4ubuntu4, doko [64]
- python-tornado, 5.1.1-4ubuntu3, doko [65]
- python-tornado, 5.1.1-4ubuntu2, doko [66]
- qemu, 1:4.0+dfsg-0ubuntu10, paelzer [67]
- rrdtool, 1.7.2-1ubuntu2, doko [68]
- rrdtool, 1.7.2-1ubuntu1, doko [69]
- rrdtool, 1.7.2-1, pkg-rrdtool-maint [70]
- rrdtool, 1.7.1-2build1, doko [71]
- samba, 2:4.10.7+dfsg-0ubuntu3, doko [72]
- six, 1.12.0-2build1, doko [73]
- sosreport, 3.8-1ubuntu1, slashd [74]
- tmux, 2.9a-3build2, doko [75]
- unbound, 1.9.0-2ubuntu2, doko [76]
[39]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/edk2/0~20190828.37eef910-3
[40]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/exim4/4.92.1-1ubuntu4
[41]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/freeradius/3.0.19+dfsg-3build1
[42]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ldb/2:1.5.5-0ubuntu3
[44]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libfcgi-perl/0.78-2build3
[45]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libseccomp/2.4.1-0ubuntu0.19.10.4
[46]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libvirt-python/5.0.0-1build1
[47]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/markupsafe/1.1.0-1build1
[48]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/memcached/1.5.10-0ubuntu4
[49]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mod-wsgi/4.6.8-0ubuntu1
[50]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mod-wsgi/4.6.5-1build1
[51]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-8.0/8.0.17-0ubuntu3
[52]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/net-snmp/5.7.3+dfsg-5ubuntu6
[53]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nginx/1.16.1-0ubuntu3
[54]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/open-vm-tools/2:11.0.1-2
[55]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openbsd-inetd/0.20160825-4build1
[56]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openldap/2.4.48+dfsg-1ubuntu2
[57]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/postgresql-11/11.5-1build1
[58]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/postgresql-common/208
[59]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/postgresql-common/204ubuntu1
[60]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/probert/0.0.17build1
[61]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-cffi/1.13.0-0ubuntu1
[62]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-cffi/1.12.3-1build2
[63]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-tornado/5.1.1-4ubuntu5
[64]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-tornado/5.1.1-4ubuntu4
[65]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-tornado/5.1.1-4ubuntu3
[66]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-tornado/5.1.1-4ubuntu2
[67]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qemu/1:4.0+dfsg-0ubuntu10
[68]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rrdtool/1.7.2-1ubuntu2
[69]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rrdtool/1.7.2-1ubuntu1
[70]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rrdtool/1.7.2-1
[71]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rrdtool/1.7.1-2build1
[72]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/samba/2:4.10.7+dfsg-0ubuntu3
[73]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/six/1.12.0-2build1
[74]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sosreport/3.8-1ubuntu1
[75]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tmux/2.9a-3build2
[76]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unbound/1.9.0-2ubuntu2
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