Merge Opportunities Report - Oct 28, 2019

Bryce Harrington bryce.harrington at
Mon Oct 28 16:05:35 UTC 2019

Here is the current state of packages that could be merged into Focal
once it's open.  Updates of this report will be emailed weekly on
Mondays henceforth.

New Version in Debian Unstable
high  chrony                    3.5-4                        3.5-2ubuntu2                           
high  nut                       2.7.4-10                     2.7.4-9ubuntu1                         
high  open-vm-tools             2:11.0.1-2                   2:10.3.10-3ubuntu1                     
high  pacemaker                 2.0.1-5                      2.0.1-4ubuntu2                         
high  pollinate                 4.33-3                       4.33-2ubuntu1                          
high  postfix                   3.4.7-1                      3.4.5-1ubuntu1                         
high  samba                     2:4.11.1+dfsg-1              2:4.10.7+dfsg-0ubuntu3                 
high  smartmontools             7.0-2                        7.0-0ubuntu1                           
high  vlan                      2.0.5                        2.0.4ubuntu1                           
low   autofs                    5.1.5-2                      5.1.5-1ubuntu1                         
low   corosync                  3.0.2-1                      3.0.1-2ubuntu1                         
low   crmsh                     4.1.0-3                      4.1.0-2ubuntu2                         
low   dbconfig-common           2.0.13                       2.0.11ubuntu2                          
low   dovecot                   1:                  1:                     
low   ebtables             
low   edk2                      0~20190828.37eef910-3        0~20190606.20d2e5a1-2ubuntu1           
low   exim4                     4.92.3-1                     4.92.1-1ubuntu4                        
low   fetchmail                 6.4.1-1                      6.4.0~rc4-1ubuntu1                     
low   freeipmi                  1.6.4-3                      1.6.3-1.1ubuntu2                       
low   ipxe                      1.0.0+git-20190125.36a4c85-1 1.0.0+git-20190109.133f4c4-0ubuntu2    
low   ldb                       2:2.0.7-3                    2:1.5.5-0ubuntu3                       
low   ldns                      1.7.0-4                      1.7.0-3ubuntu8                         
low   libpam-radius-auth        1.4.0-2                      1.3.17-0ubuntu5                        
low   libvirt                   5.6.0-2                      5.4.0-0ubuntu5                         
low   lm-sensors                1:3.6.0-1                    1:3.5.0-3ubuntu1                       
low   lxc                       1:3.1.0+really3.0.4-2        3.0.4-0ubuntu1                         
low   memcached                 1.5.19-2                     1.5.10-0ubuntu4                        
low   nagios-nrpe               3.2.1-3                      3.2.1-1ubuntu1                         
low   net-snmp                  5.8+dfsg-2                   5.7.3+dfsg-5ubuntu6                    
low   nginx                     1.16.1-2                     1.16.1-0ubuntu3                        
low   nss                       2:3.47-1                     2:3.45-1ubuntu2                        
low   pmdk                      1.7-1                        1.6.1-1ubuntu1                         
low   postgresql-common         207                          204ubuntu1                             
low   qemu                      1:4.1-1                      1:4.0+dfsg-0ubuntu9                    
low   rabbitmq-server           3.7.18-1                     3.7.8-4ubuntu2                         
low   resource-agents           1:4.4.0-1                    1:4.2.0-1ubuntu2                       
low   ruby2.5                   2.5.7-1                      2.5.5-4ubuntu2                         
low   runc                      1.0.0~rc9+dfsg1-1            1.0.0~rc8+git20190923.3e425f80-0ubuntu1
low   socat                                            
low   spice                     0.14.2-4                     0.14.2-0ubuntu2                        
low   spice-protocol            0.14.0-1                     0.14.0-0ubuntu1                        
low   sssd                      2.2.2-1                      2.2.0-4ubuntu1                         
low   strongswan                5.8.1-1                      5.7.2-1ubuntu3                         
low   tevent                    0.10.1-3                     0.9.39-0ubuntu2                        
low   unbound                   1.9.4-2                      1.9.0-2ubuntu2                         
low   xen                       4.11.1+92-g6c33308a8d-2      4.9.2-0ubuntu2                         
low   yui3                      3.5.1-1.1                    3.5.1-1ubuntu3                         

New Version in Experimental
high  tmux                      3.0~rc5-2                 2.9a-3build2             

New Upstream not in Debian
high  logwatch                  7.5.2/logwatch-7.5.2      7.5.0-2ubuntu1           
high  multipath-tools           0.8.2                     0.7.9-3ubuntu6           
high  openipmi                  2.0.27                    2.0.25-2.1ubuntu1        
high  sysstat                   12.1.5                    12.0.6-1                 
(Low priority upstream releases skipped)

high == Packages seeded for Ubuntu-Server
low == Non-seeded packages Server team is subscribed to
-------------- next part --------------
New Version in Debian Unstable
high  chrony                    3.5-4                        3.5-2ubuntu2                           
high  nut                       2.7.4-10                     2.7.4-9ubuntu1                         
high  open-vm-tools             2:11.0.1-2                   2:10.3.10-3ubuntu1                     
high  pacemaker                 2.0.1-5                      2.0.1-4ubuntu2                         
high  pollinate                 4.33-3                       4.33-2ubuntu1                          
high  postfix                   3.4.7-1                      3.4.5-1ubuntu1                         
high  samba                     2:4.11.1+dfsg-1              2:4.10.7+dfsg-0ubuntu3                 
high  smartmontools             7.0-2                        7.0-0ubuntu1                           
high  vlan                      2.0.5                        2.0.4ubuntu1                           
low   autofs                    5.1.5-2                      5.1.5-1ubuntu1                         
low   corosync                  3.0.2-1                      3.0.1-2ubuntu1                         
low   crmsh                     4.1.0-3                      4.1.0-2ubuntu2                         
low   dbconfig-common           2.0.13                       2.0.11ubuntu2                          
low   dovecot                   1:                  1:                     
low   ebtables             
low   edk2                      0~20190828.37eef910-3        0~20190606.20d2e5a1-2ubuntu1           
low   exim4                     4.92.3-1                     4.92.1-1ubuntu4                        
low   fetchmail                 6.4.1-1                      6.4.0~rc4-1ubuntu1                     
low   freeipmi                  1.6.4-3                      1.6.3-1.1ubuntu2                       
low   ipxe                      1.0.0+git-20190125.36a4c85-1 1.0.0+git-20190109.133f4c4-0ubuntu2    
low   ldb                       2:2.0.7-3                    2:1.5.5-0ubuntu3                       
low   ldns                      1.7.0-4                      1.7.0-3ubuntu8                         
low   libpam-radius-auth        1.4.0-2                      1.3.17-0ubuntu5                        
low   libvirt                   5.6.0-2                      5.4.0-0ubuntu5                         
low   lm-sensors                1:3.6.0-1                    1:3.5.0-3ubuntu1                       
low   lxc                       1:3.1.0+really3.0.4-2        3.0.4-0ubuntu1                         
low   memcached                 1.5.19-2                     1.5.10-0ubuntu4                        
low   nagios-nrpe               3.2.1-3                      3.2.1-1ubuntu1                         
low   net-snmp                  5.8+dfsg-2                   5.7.3+dfsg-5ubuntu6                    
low   nginx                     1.16.1-2                     1.16.1-0ubuntu3                        
low   nss                       2:3.47-1                     2:3.45-1ubuntu2                        
low   pmdk                      1.7-1                        1.6.1-1ubuntu1                         
low   postgresql-common         207                          204ubuntu1                             
low   qemu                      1:4.1-1                      1:4.0+dfsg-0ubuntu9                    
low   rabbitmq-server           3.7.18-1                     3.7.8-4ubuntu2                         
low   resource-agents           1:4.4.0-1                    1:4.2.0-1ubuntu2                       
low   ruby2.5                   2.5.7-1                      2.5.5-4ubuntu2                         
low   runc                      1.0.0~rc9+dfsg1-1            1.0.0~rc8+git20190923.3e425f80-0ubuntu1
low   socat                                            
low   spice                     0.14.2-4                     0.14.2-0ubuntu2                        
low   spice-protocol            0.14.0-1                     0.14.0-0ubuntu1                        
low   sssd                      2.2.2-1                      2.2.0-4ubuntu1                         
low   strongswan                5.8.1-1                      5.7.2-1ubuntu3                         
low   tevent                    0.10.1-3                     0.9.39-0ubuntu2                        
low   unbound                   1.9.4-2                      1.9.0-2ubuntu2                         
low   xen                       4.11.1+92-g6c33308a8d-2      4.9.2-0ubuntu2                         
low   yui3                      3.5.1-1.1                    3.5.1-1ubuntu3                         

New Version in Experimental
high  tmux                      3.0~rc5-2                 2.9a-3build2             

New Upstream not in Debian
high  logwatch                  7.5.2/logwatch-7.5.2      7.5.0-2ubuntu1           
high  multipath-tools           0.8.2                     0.7.9-3ubuntu6           
high  openipmi                  2.0.27                    2.0.25-2.1ubuntu1        
high  sysstat                   12.1.5                    12.0.6-1                 
(Low priority upstream releases skipped)

high == Packages seeded for Ubuntu-Server
low == Non-seeded packages Server team is subscribed to
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