Ubuntu Server Guide: call for content and reviews

Doug Smythies dsmythies at telus.net
Wed Nov 6 16:44:11 UTC 2019

Hi Josh,

Thank you for your reply.

On 2019.11.06 07:56 Josh wrote:
> On 11/5/19 5:24 PM, Doug Smythies wrote:
>> There are still things to work out for this
>> transition from Docbook to discourse, but I thought it
>> best to wait until after 19.10 was done.
>> O.K. so now let's get on with it.
>> Where will the final compiled HTML document be posted?
>> And would it make sense to simply have it at the same location
>> as where the Docbook version would end up? That would be:
>> https://help.ubuntu.com/20.04/serverguide/index.html
>> during this preliminary phase, and become
>> https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/index.html
>> after the release date.
> I will be at a sprint next week where I will get an update on the
> progress of the new site including the location and the PDF question
> below. My hope was that the new site would be live right after the new
> year, if not sooner.

As soon as possible, so as to maximize the time to deal with
as yet unknown issues.

>> Regardless of being in the old location or some new location,
>> Can we (meaning one of you) get on with it, such that compile,
>> formatting and publishing issues can be discovered and fixed now.
>> For testing purposes, and until the publishing step happens by
>> itself, how does one compile the discourse source code into what would
>> be the final html documents?

I do want to be able to compile the discourse source code into the
final HTML document, and PDF, myself.

>> Can whomever please give me editing rights to the discourse stuff.
> By migrating to Discourse, anyone can make an account and then add
> comments on the topics. Those comments can be suggestions, fixes, or
> conversations about the content. Editors can then update the docs
> themselves and those changes can be reflected immediately on the new
> site.

O.K. I just did a small, more or less a test, edit to:


Which worked fine, but does raise another question.
How do we prevent abuse? (maybe I already have elevated rights?)
I am only familiar with the current system, where one
has to have sufficient rights to accept merge proposals and/or
push directly to the master branch.

> The Canonical server team has already begun going through the existing
> content removing or updating outdated pages, checking links, and
> verifying the formatted pages.

Yes, I see. This is great and what we have hoped for with this

> This original thread was a call to action for content and reviews. I
> continue to invite others to view the list of topics [1], review, and
> contribute as we prepare for our next LTS release.

Yes, agree.

[1] https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/introduction/11322

> The answer to the question: Will a PDF version be available?
> Was "I don't know". Can that answer be determined now?
> I think I am forgetting some things. Oh well.
> ... Doug

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