Updated cron?

Leroy Tennison leroy at datavoiceint.com
Tue Aug 13 15:25:19 UTC 2019

"Upstream is gone", "cronie exists in debian experimental, but apparently abandoned" - that's unfortunate but thanks for alerting me to that.  A lot of history there which I wasn't aware of, sounds like it may be a while before any change.

Again, thanks to all of you, I always get a lot of good information when I post here and I appreciate it.


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Leroy Tennison
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From: Michael Hudson-Doyle <michael.hudson at canonical.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2019 6:29:50 AM
To: Andreas Hasenack <andreas at canonical.com>
Cc: Leroy Tennison <leroy at datavoiceint.com>; ubuntu-server at lists.ubuntu.com <ubuntu-server at lists.ubuntu.com>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Updated cron?

On Tue, 13 Aug 2019 at 08:55, Andreas Hasenack <andreas at canonical.com<mailto:andreas at canonical.com>> wrote:

On Mon, Aug 12, 2019 at 4:41 PM Leroy Tennison <leroy at datavoiceint.com<mailto:leroy at datavoiceint.com>> wrote:

Thanks for your reply, I wasn't aware that bug requests had already been submitted.  The Ubuntu bug already has a fair amount of heat but the priority is low, any way of getting that increased?  It seems that the software source has been around for a while, is a newer variant of what Ubuntu already uses and has been used by other distributions for some time.  I would think that would mean it's pretty safe to implement.

To answer your question - OpenSUSE 13.2 (which is really old at this point).  "man 5 crontab" refers to MAILFROM and indicates the Author is "Paul Vixie ⟨vixie at isc.org<mailto:vixie at isc.org>⟩" with the last line of the file reading "cronie   2012-11-22  CRONTAB(5)".  Looks like it was introduced at that version because 13.1 has the 2010 version.

vixie-cron is what everybody is/was using for quite some time, and all distros patched it heavily. Upstream is gone, so it's effectively abandoned. Suse was using it as well, but migrated to cronie. Found this page about that migration: https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Cron_replace

cronie exists in debian experimental, but apparently abandoned (https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/cronie). It doesn't exist in Ubuntu. Upstream is Fedora, at https://github.com/cronie-crond/cronie

FWIW there are plans to move to cronie in Debian in bullseye: https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2019/07/msg00100.html


I also found some documentation showing how to use systemd timers as a replacement. It's not a direct replacement, though:
- doesn't parse crontabs, has its own mechanism
- doesn't send out email by default, one needs to use Onfailure and point it at a script that will send out the email

We could check the patch that implemented MAILFROM and adopt it. I'm not sure if suse used the same one attached to the bug I mentioned before.
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