D.ROOT-SERVERS.NET changed January 3rd 2013

Clint Byrum clint at ubuntu.com
Wed Jan 9 17:30:27 UTC 2013

Excerpts from Chuck Peters's message of 2013-01-08 19:15:13 -0800:
> See http://d.root-servers.org/.  I think bind9, and likely other DNS
> servers, should be updated to include the correct IPv4 D root server,
> http://www.internic.net/domain/named.root, and filed a bug report,
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bind9/+bug/1090593.  As the issue
> stands now, it could be a long time before the LTS releases get the update,
> but it should not cause serious DNS problems.
> Robie Basak triaged the bug report and said:
> I'm reluctant to push for this unless a clear consensus is reached,
> somebody points out exactly what we've done in the past, or an experienced
> Ubuntu developer tells me otherwise.  I think the best place to seek
> consensus on this is the ubuntu-server mailing list. If others agree that
> the change is worth it...
> How was this handled in the past?
> What do you think should be done?

I commented in the bug, and opened SRU tasks. Once this is fixed in
raring, it should be pushed back to lucid. There's no point in fixing it
in hardy since it will be EOL by the time the old IP goes out of service.

The only hesitation is that conffile changes in updates are usually
discouraged, but I think in this case its worth it to avoid having
problems 1/13th of the time.

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