[debian-mysql] [Maria-discuss] MySQL's future in Debian and Ubuntu

Pandu Poluan pandu at poluan.info
Thu Feb 16 20:25:26 UTC 2012

I agree 100%.

Even though I'm a huge fan of PostgreSQL*,* if the standard database has
been MySQL, then the next release must stay MySQL or something that's a
drop-in replacement of (e.g. MariaDB).

After all, those using PostgreSQL are skillful enough to know how to
install PostgreSQL when they need it ;-)

 On Feb 17, 2012 1:44 AM, "Fabio T. Leitao" <fabio.tleitao at gmail.com> wrote:

> Great stuff,
> What ever the choice, even if it is to keep MySQL alone, lets remember
> MySQL will not be dropped ! Any one would still be able to install the
> Oracle GA if they wanted to (from some repository, probably partner, or
> even main)
> If indeed there is a replacement, I can only talk about what I have
> experienced firsthand... it mus have ALL THE SAME COMMANDS AND PARAMETERS
> AND DB ENGINES so that every init.d, upstart and shell scripts must work
> unware of the change, even the DBA might not be aware of the change unless
> he types a $ mysql --version
> MariaDB has met those criteria for me.
> Other DB engines are welcome frosting in the cake. :)
> Yet, at the same time, it MUST BE VERY CLEARLY DOCUMENTED the change
> itself, the underlying reazon to do so, the possible good and bad impact
> (such as know issues)... it could even explain the alternatives, between
> other DBs in the MySQL environment, including the "official" Oracle MySQL
> or even PG.
> And I am sorry to all PG users, I know its an excelent DB, but no one but
> who is not already a PostgreSQL user even consider it as an alternative.
> Apple has changed its embended DB from MySQL to PG in the MacOSX Server
> when Oracle has purchased SUN. Anyone could still choose to manually
> install MySQL (or any other), but it has a caused major issues in their
> user base and crippled several programs that were already pretty stable in
> the previous release. Not the change of flavors (to PG) but the buggy
> implementation of the change and the fact that it was so poorly documented.
> Lets try not to repeat their mistakes here.
> 2012/2/16 Colin Charles <colin at montyprogram.com>
>> Hi!
>> On 16 Feb 2012, at 17:24, Henrik Ingo wrote:
>> > Clearly I was unclear in my previous email. The 2 year support is not
>> > true for any of the alternatives. MySQL gives 5 years (and more for
>> > customers that pay), Percona trails MySQL so they also end up doing 5
>> > years (and more for paying customers). MariaDB also does 5,
>> > apparently.
>> Oracle supports MySQL for 5 years from date of release commercially.
>> There is supposedly only two GA releases supported at any one given time
>> (in active support for community use). Of course we have no idea if this is
>> true yet or not since 5.1 and 5.5 are still supported. We will know
>> "firmly" what their plans are when 5.6 is released. Will it then be that
>> 5.1 will drop from active GA support? I have no idea (as I don't work for
>> Oracle). Only time can/will tell
>> --
>> Colin Charles, http://bytebot.net/blog/ | twitter: @bytebot | skype:
>> colincharles
>> MariaDB: Community developed. Feature enhanced. Backward compatible.
>> Download it at: http://www.mariadb.org/
>> Open MariaDB/MySQL documentation at the Knowledgebase:
>> http://kb.askmonty.org/
> --
> Fábio Leitão
> ..-. .- -... .. ---  .-.. . .. - .- ---  ...-.-
> --
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