Hardware vs software raid

Diego Xirinachs dxiri343 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 20 08:47:52 UTC 2011

Well, in my experience Dell has very good support, and also they told me
that the raid controller inside the r310 is certified to run on red hat and
suse, I checked the ubuntu hcl and also found the server model listed there.

Avi, what hassle are you refering to? Software raid requires more
configuration than hardware raid, am I wrong?

A little more info, the ubuntu installation I am going to setup here will
have critical company info so it needs to be fault tolerant, which raid
array type should I go with? I have used raid 0 in the past but people tell
me thats not good practice because if a drive fails I am screwed. Is this

Thanks so far for the help :-)

On Oct 20, 2011 2:11 AM, "Avi Greenbury" <lists at avi.co> wrote:
> Diego Xirinachs wrote:
> > I decided to get a dell r310 but I dont know if I should get the
> > hardware raid or just configure software raid on the server.
> I much prefer software raid. The mild performance benefit of hardware
> raid is outweighed by the hassle benefit of software raid - it's so
> much easier to swap out failed hardware, and you're more guaranteed to
> get it doing what you want it to do, since md is something of a
> standard. I also prefer to trust as few opaque black boxes with my data
> as possible :)
> --
> Avi
> --
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