Server Support

Thierry Carrez thierry.carrez at
Wed Jun 2 07:14:46 UTC 2010

Mathias Gug wrote:
>> In my case, actually having those unanswered questions kind of prevent
>> me from using the channel for random development chat. I don't feel like
>> appearing as an insensitive developer that continues his work and jokes
>> with co-workers while people beg for help on the channel. And most of
>> the time I could help them, if only I had the free time[tm] to do so.
> I understand that feeling. One perspective could be to set the expectations
> right: answers given in the channel are done on a best effort basis. And one
> should not be offended if their questions aren't answered even if people are
> chatting in the channel.

If I'm the only one bothered by this, I have no issue keeping the status

> The current help factoids states:
>   Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line
>   and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone
>   knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)
> How about splitting out the help factoid to include a statement about setting
> the expectations right:
>   Thanks for stopping by and ask for help. We'll try to help you out on a best
>   effort basis. If anyone knows the answer they will probably reply. If you have
>   a serious problem you may wanna opt for another support option available at 
> When someone asks a question one could always use the help factoid to set their
> expectations right.

Maybe the channel topic should be updated to reflect that development is
the main thing we discuss on this channel ? Currently it shows:

Ubuntu Server discussion and support | For general (not server specific)
support visit #ubuntu | IRC Guidelines: | Get involved: | Be patient.  Don't
ask to ask, just ask. | Docs and resources:

How about:

Ubuntu Server development, discussion and support | For general (not
server specific) questions visit #ubuntu | Get involved: | Be patient.  Don't
ask to ask, just ask. | Docs and resources:

Then it wouldn't feel so awkward to ignore support questions to discuss
development issues.

Thierry Carrez
Ubuntu server team

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