nice summary on what Ubuntu needs for small businesses

Mark Pavlichuk pav5088 at
Sat Oct 18 13:57:06 UTC 2008

> An admin perspective:
> The ground work is already there for small business.  Ebox provides all of
> the components that a small business needs In order to be successful.  What
> it does lack is documentation in order to successfully implement it, and
> some work on the LDAP.  
> V/R
> Thomas E. Maleshafske

  I've been looking at the sysadmin GUI issue on Debian Lenny.  I've been
experimenting with GOsa because it scales to very large installations, and
has plugins for lots of services.  I've written documentation to at least get
simple services up and running (ie. posix accounts, DNS, DHCP, Samba) and
instructions on how to integrate groupware (SOGo - Scalable OpenGroupware).
I've also written documentation to install Kolab + Horde, but I haven't yet
tried to integrate GOsa with Kolab even though apparently GOsa has extra
functionality to facilitate this.

  I've realised this problem is probably too big for me to do well, which is
why I found this group.  The documentation I've written is aimed at Debian
Lenny, and is sometimes a little out of date but can be found here :
It should hopefully be easily adaptable to an Ubuntu environment.

  I'm excited by this topic because GOsa has abilities to also integrate
Asterisk, FAI, Fax and many other advanced services.  I've also been looking
at integrating Adito.  Adito is an open source fork of SSL-Explorer...  a VERY
interesting product which offers a SSH gateway/web-desktop which can for
example download third party software (eg. VNC or NXclient) and automagically
establish a SSH tunnel for communications - all via a single click of a web
icon.  It's very user friendly for end users, and is capable of a lot more.
Check it out... it deserves to be more widely known.

  Anyway, I'll shut up now...  I've just been thinking about this stuff myself
for too long I think.

Mark Pavlichuk
Strategic IT
ph. (07)47242890
m. 0409 124577

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