Ubuntuguide.org Considered Harmful

Aaron Kincer kincera at gmail.com
Tue Jun 5 14:40:30 UTC 2007


I'm with you that not all the information there is "good" and can break 
your system. Heck, I've seen some instructions there that were just 
plain wrong without even having to try them out. However, in my opinion, 
the layout of the UG is much better and easier to find information 
quickly than the official wiki site you linked to. Until this is 
addressed, I'm afraid there are some that will not go there first (maybe 
even at all). In my opinion, there should be links at the very top to a 
task oriented wiki similar to UG for each respective version. The links 
at the bottom don't lead to help and are just confusing.

When someone wants to know how to do something very specific, trying to 
sort through the pages there is a bit cumbersome in my humble opinion. 
When I have a very specific task I want to accomplish, I'd prefer not to 
navigate through more than a couple of clicks.

Aaron Kincer

Kristian Hermansen wrote:
> All,
> Be wary of Ubuntuguide.org.  When users first encountered it, they consider it
> to be a great resource.  Everything you might need to do is in one
> place with info how to accomplish a goal.  However, the problem is
> that using Ubuntuguide.org may result in your system becoming broken
> or incorrectly configured.  The guide is not always correct, and you
> may break your system, especially when it comes to upgrade to the next
> release of Ubuntu.  Much of this has to do with adding third party
> sources to your APT configuration.  When you do this, your system
> could be stable for a few months, until you decide to move to Gutsy,
> and then you wonder why Ubuntu
> fails to upgrade!
> Please please please use http://wiki.ubuntu.com or the other
> help/community resources at the official Ubuntu domain ahead of any
> other resource.  Once you realized that Ubuntuguide is harmful, make
> every effort to support the official wiki and add items there.  Some
> people on this list may not realize the harm that can be done if you
> add unofficial items to your APT sources.  This is one of the major
> issues with UG, as they are always suggesting you do this.  With
> Ubuntu,  you normally don't need to do this, since most software is in
> the hosted repositories.  Again, Ubuntuguide.org should be avoided at
> all times...

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