Ubuntu (Server) Kernel

Ingo Lantschner ingo.lantschner at edvg.at
Wed Feb 8 12:14:51 UTC 2006

I am looking for information on the following:
What are the differences between Ubuntu-Server and Ubuntu (Desktop) 
- Kernel (having read in the archive, I would say for Breezy it's the same 
kernel, starting with dapper there will be diffrences - right?)
- Packageselection
- Time of support (I have read somewhare server will be supported for 5 
years - right/wrong?)

Also, I have heard rumors that Ubuntu does not offer SMP-Kernels - is that 

Thanks in advance, Ingo.
Ingo Lantschner
Technischer Consultant

EDV GmbH & Co KG
Hofmühlgasse 3-5
1060 Wien

T +43 1 59907 1125
M +43 664 8146322
W http://www.edvg.at
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