MoS2007 Initial Schedule

Andrew Gee andrew at
Tue Aug 28 21:29:50 BST 2007


Right... After thinking for a while, I've decided I'd like to work on the following screencasts:

Week 1:
* Getting Help
* Tour of the Ubuntu Desktop

Week 2:
* Installing ubuntu (perhaps, as I don't really know what things could go wrong. Or the ones that would go wrong could be quite complex to explain)
* Installing software packages from repos

Week 3:
* First steps - what you need to know about media playback
* Playing media

Week 4:
* Email
* IM

Of course, this is only a "preliminary" selection. *If* and when I finish a few of them, I may move onto others.

I currently don't know how much work sixthform will be, when I start next friday. I can't imagine it being too bad though.

I hope I'll be able to complete as many of these as possible. I seem to like to get everything planned "over the top" for each screencast though. But 
as I've done two, the process should be a bit more streamlined...

Now to get to planning!

One last message... Is it possible to make the reply-to of the list, the list address rather than the message sender.


On Mon, Aug 27, 2007 at 05:52:25PM +0100, Alan Pope wrote:
> *gulp* 
> Here's the plan:-
> Each line is one days screencast with some more detail specified on the
> indented line below. Week 3 and 4 I am really unsure about. Week 1 and 2
> I am quite happy with (although I am not sure people _really_ need to
> hear about licensing so early on - maybe that should be quite a short
> screencast) :) I don't want to scare people off.
> Fundamentals week - Sat 1st Sept to Fri 7th Sept
> 	Ubuntu
> 	Linux
> 	Freedom, Free and Open Licenses
> 	Why Use Ubuntu
> 	Getting Help
> 	Tour of the Ubuntu desktop
> 		What are all the icons you first see
> 	Tour of the Ubuntu Applications
> 		What are all the icons on the Applications menu
> Setup Week - Sat 8th Sept to Fri 14th Sept
> 	Installing Ubuntu 
> 		Overview of install process and what to do when things go wrong
> 	Networking fundamentals
> 		Wi-Fi, LAN, ISP, modems, connection types, basic diags
> 	Updating the system
> 		Bug fixes, security updates, proposed packages etc
> 	Installing software packages from repositories
> 		Standard repos
> 		Additional repos
> 	Manually installing software
> 		gdebi / compiling (perhaps - pref not)
> 	Printer and scanner setup
> 		Issues with printer drivers
> 	Dealing with Troublesome Hardware
> 		Wi-Fi, printers, scanners, Video cards, USB devices
> Ultimate Setup Week - Sat 15th Sept to Fri 21 Sept
> 	Choosing the right version
> 	First steps - what you need to know about media playback
> 	Playing media
> 	Playing games
> 	Themes
> Productivity Week - Sat 22nd Sept to Fri 28th Sept
> 	Web
> 	Email
> 	IM
> 	Writer, calc, impress, base
> 	Scribus, project
> 	Ekiga, Gizmo & Skype
> 	Graphics
> Last two days wrap up - Sat 29th Sept and Fri 30th Sept
> 	Getting involved
> 	Summary of the month of screencasts
> Comments/questions welcome.
> Cheers,
> Al.

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Andrew Gee
andrew at
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