MoS2007 Initial Schedule

Alan Pope alan at
Mon Aug 27 17:52:25 BST 2007


Here's the plan:-

Each line is one days screencast with some more detail specified on the
indented line below. Week 3 and 4 I am really unsure about. Week 1 and 2
I am quite happy with (although I am not sure people _really_ need to
hear about licensing so early on - maybe that should be quite a short
screencast) :) I don't want to scare people off.

Fundamentals week - Sat 1st Sept to Fri 7th Sept
	Freedom, Free and Open Licenses
	Why Use Ubuntu
	Getting Help
	Tour of the Ubuntu desktop
		What are all the icons you first see
	Tour of the Ubuntu Applications
		What are all the icons on the Applications menu

Setup Week - Sat 8th Sept to Fri 14th Sept
	Installing Ubuntu 
		Overview of install process and what to do when things go wrong
	Networking fundamentals
		Wi-Fi, LAN, ISP, modems, connection types, basic diags
	Updating the system
		Bug fixes, security updates, proposed packages etc
	Installing software packages from repositories
		Standard repos
		Additional repos
	Manually installing software
		gdebi / compiling (perhaps - pref not)
	Printer and scanner setup
		Issues with printer drivers
	Dealing with Troublesome Hardware
		Wi-Fi, printers, scanners, Video cards, USB devices

Ultimate Setup Week - Sat 15th Sept to Fri 21 Sept
	Choosing the right version
	First steps - what you need to know about media playback
	Playing media
	Playing games

Productivity Week - Sat 22nd Sept to Fri 28th Sept
	Writer, calc, impress, base
	Scribus, project
	Ekiga, Gizmo & Skype

Last two days wrap up - Sat 29th Sept and Fri 30th Sept
	Getting involved
	Summary of the month of screencasts

Comments/questions welcome.

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