MRE request for HAProxy

Lucas Kanashiro kanashiro at
Tue Jun 28 19:43:57 UTC 2022

Hi Lukasz,

Em 27/06/2022 06:34, Lukasz Zemczak escreveu:
> Hello Lucas!
> Thanks for submitting the MRE. It looks decent, I'm willing to approve
> it as it is.
> Checking the upstream CI tests, I like it that they have so many
> different tests running on Ubuntu - that's a plus for sure. But I
> guess they're all running on focal, right? Do you know if they're
> running any other Ubuntu versions for their various testing?

Unfortunately, they are running tests only on Focal.

> It's certainly a bit unfortunate that the autopkgtest/buildtime
> testing story isn't great. I appreciate their upstream testing story
> on Ubuntu, but autopkgtests give us the power to know the testing
> state on the exact series and, also, whether other, dependent package
> changes won't regress haproxy itself. So please continue working on
> improving the ADT testing story for the future!

Sure, we will keep working to improve them. I believe we do not need to
be so worried with HAProxy affecting other packages in the archive
because it is almost a leaf package, in all the 3 LTS releases it has
only 2 reverse dependencies which are:

* neutron-metadata-agent
* neutron-ovn-metadata-agent

> Is there any exploratory testing one can do in the meantime? Or do the
> existing autopkgtests handle all the base testing already?

I think autopkgtest is enough to catch regressions for now, they cover
the most common use-case scenarios I believe. My idea is to increase the
coverage adding tests for new features and some corner cases.

> Anyway, we can always improve on the process. I'll add this exception
> to the exception list now - you may proceed with preparing updates.

Thank you very much for approving this exception. I'll start to work on
the updates as soon as I can.

Lucas Kanashiro

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