Issue with Manual ISO Rebuilds

Simon Quigley simon at
Wed Jun 29 03:44:10 UTC 2022


Since Ubuntu Studio ran into this issue today, I figured I'd ask the 
question so we can get this fixed. I can file a bug, just let me know where.

When an ISO rebuild is occurring, and it *fails*, until the next daily 
cron run for the ISO, it can not be manually rebuilt from the ISO QA 

Steps to reproduce:
  1. Include a package on a daily ISO which fails to install for some 
reason (duplicate files may be an example).
  2. Let the daily ISO cron run and watch it fail.
  3. Try to trigger a manual rebuild from the ISO QA tracker.

Could someone at Canonical please provide some insight as to what is 
happening on the server-side, perhaps providing some logs?


Simon Quigley
simon at
tsimonq2 on LiberaChat and OFTC on Matrix
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