Is a 16.04 alpha 2 needed?

flocculant at flocculant at
Wed Jan 27 13:20:29 UTC 2016

On 27/01/16 09:05, Jean-Baptiste Lallement wrote:
> Hi,
> [snip] For Ubuntu, with the help of Dan, tests have been fixed and 
> redeployed for Wily. Unfortunately, due to some infrastructure 
> changes, they stopped running for Xenial and must be redeployed again 
> on new machines. It's planned before Beta 1 for Ubuntu.
> Regarding running these tests for flavours, I'm sure Max will be glad 
> to help if you're encountering specific issues with their deployment.
> Once these tests pass on a local machine, it's relatively 
> straightforward to deploy them on a remote machine and run them 
> automatically.
> JB.
I think they weren't passing.

As I said Max was helping - but there's been nothing this year to my 

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