[QA] Release Meeting 2011-11-18

Jean-Baptiste Lallement jean-baptiste.lallement at canonical.com
Fri Nov 18 14:19:53 UTC 2011

== Done this week ==
  * Blueprints review and planning.
  * The QA team was sprinting all week to extend the capacity of the QA Lab
  * Setup daily ISO smoke test for Precise (reporting is being worked on)
  * Moved upgrade tests from 11.10 to Precise to QA Lab and added amd64 
  * Setup Litmus (https://wiki.mozilla.org/Litmus) in the Lab for test 
cases management. The QA team is currently reviewing the tool and it 
will be available for public piloting once it's done.

==  What's about to land that might impact the other teams ==
  * Unity tarmac setup in the QA Lab.

== Dependencies on other teams, blocking items ==
  * nothing at this time

== Blueprints and Status ==

If there's anything you'd like to bring to our attention please ask 
myself or Gema.

IRC: jibel

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