
Nicholas Skaggs nicholas.skaggs at
Wed May 7 18:05:34 UTC 2014

On 04/24/2014 08:26 AM, Damir B wrote:
> Hey everyone.....You might have already seen my name around and that is because I have been a lurker for some time now but have only begun posting publicly recently.
> It was brought to my attention that I never introduced myself, so I thought I'd take the opportunity now to do so :) I am a young IT professional who has worked with and for large
>   North American firms in various IT related capacities including
> software, hardware, and networking/telecom.  I already have several
> years of professional experience in Quality Assurance/Software Verification positions
> working on complex custom software destined for the likes of AT&T,
> Verizon, Time Warner, Bell, and other clients. As well, I have
> experience with all types of testing including regression, performance,
> and user acceptance (using both scrum and agile based testing
> methodologies).
> I've been involved with Ubuntu since 6.06.2 LTS
> (Dapper Drake) as an end-user, but it is only in the Summer/Fall of 2011
>   that I started contributing to the project after I was exposed more and
>   more to Unix/Solaris/BSD at work. Since then, I've had a special
> interest in the free/open source, *nix, and Ubuntu communities. Apart from continuing to report bugs, test packages, etc I hope to further contribute by being an active member of this list :)
> Damir
Glad to see you made a post introducing yourself properly Damir! Don't 
be a stranger this cycle! If I can help you get started in anyway, just 
let me know.


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