Spreading the joy of quality!

Jackson Doak doak.jackson at gmail.com
Wed Feb 6 03:42:11 UTC 2013

can you add a link to the WhoWeAre wiki page, it's big enough for people to
actually look at now.

On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 10:02 AM, Nicholas Skaggs <
nicholas.skaggs at canonical.com> wrote:

> Hello everyone. I wanted to ask you to help me spread the joy and fun of
> testing ubuntu. To help with that, I'm happy to blow the lid off the
> changes I've made to the qa subdomain on ubuntu. Let me present the best
> way to share with someone new to QA (I hope! Your feedback is most
> welcome!) what we do, and more specifically, how to start doing it:
> http://qa.ubuntu.com/getting-**involved/<http://qa.ubuntu.com/getting-involved/>
> Please, re-share, tweet, facebook wall post, google+, ubuntu forums, etc
> this link:
> http://www.theorangenotebook.**com/2013/02/psa-ubuntu-**
> quality-wants-you.html<http://www.theorangenotebook.com/2013/02/psa-ubuntu-quality-wants-you.html>
> We've done a lot of work over the past year to help make it easier for
> people to join us, and I hope, more fun as well. It's time to spread and
> share the love of what we do.
> As to the getting involved page, please, have a look and if your new, get
> started on something. As promised, I'll keep expanding the walkthroughs and
> tutorials as time goes on, but please, don't let that stop you from getting
> involved now. If your receiving this email, you've got my email address.
> Hit reply and let me help you contribute :-)
> If your not new to this, consider sharing the link, and helping people get
> started. Perhaps you could consder offering up a tutorial or some
> documentation about how to test, or contribute. The classroom sessions have
> been great (seriously a big thank you to all the instructors!) -- perhaps
> some of them can be turned into permanent references?
> Happy Testing everyone,
> Nicholas
> P.S. The qa (qa.ubuntu.com) site needs a theme. I am NOT a web developer,
> so please email me if you can help with wordpress themes. I don't come
> completely empty-handed -- some basic code is on launchpad here for now;
> https://code.launchpad.net/~**nskaggs/+junk/qualitytheme<https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/+junk/qualitytheme>
> .
> --
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