Spreading the joy of quality!

Nicholas Skaggs nicholas.skaggs at canonical.com
Tue Feb 5 23:02:31 UTC 2013

Hello everyone. I wanted to ask you to help me spread the joy and fun of 
testing ubuntu. To help with that, I'm happy to blow the lid off the 
changes I've made to the qa subdomain on ubuntu. Let me present the best 
way to share with someone new to QA (I hope! Your feedback is most 
welcome!) what we do, and more specifically, how to start doing it:


Please, re-share, tweet, facebook wall post, google+, ubuntu forums, etc 
this link:


We've done a lot of work over the past year to help make it easier for 
people to join us, and I hope, more fun as well. It's time to spread and 
share the love of what we do.

As to the getting involved page, please, have a look and if your new, 
get started on something. As promised, I'll keep expanding the 
walkthroughs and tutorials as time goes on, but please, don't let that 
stop you from getting involved now. If your receiving this email, you've 
got my email address. Hit reply and let me help you contribute :-)

If your not new to this, consider sharing the link, and helping people 
get started. Perhaps you could consder offering up a tutorial or some 
documentation about how to test, or contribute. The classroom sessions 
have been great (seriously a big thank you to all the instructors!) -- 
perhaps some of them can be turned into permanent references?

Happy Testing everyone,


P.S. The qa (qa.ubuntu.com) site needs a theme. I am NOT a web 
developer, so please email me if you can help with wordpress themes. I 
don't come completely empty-handed -- some basic code is on launchpad 
here for now; https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/+junk/qualitytheme.

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