General Autopilot stuff

Javier P.L. fco.plj at
Fri Nov 30 03:08:54 UTC 2012

On 11/29/2012 08:17 PM, Jayson Rowe wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I'd love to help out but I do have limited time in the evenings, and
> more on the weekends. I'd seen Nicholas' posts on Autopilot, and as a
> Selenium WebDriver tester by day, it looked like an interesting way to
> give back.
> Tonight I finally took some time to look through everything, and I have
> a few suggestions.
> First, all the information out there is very fragmented. It would be
> great if someone (on the "inside", maybe) could work toward
> consolidating all of this - the blog-posts are great, and there seems to
> be some stuff on the Wiki as well, but it all seems incomplete (I know
> this is all new to everyone).
> I followed the instructions on Nicholas' latest post, and cloned down
> the 'autopilot-walkthrough' branch from bzr and none of the tests will
> run. This is with the version of autopilot from the PPA. Also, I found
> on the wiki on this page (
> some install instructions with a list of packages to install, so I did
> that as well, and still no luck.
> Here is a couple of examples of what I'm getting (this is on a fresh
> Ubuntu 12.10 VM I created just for this:
> jayson at ubuntu:~/autopilot-walkthrough/firefox$ autopilot run firefox
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>    File "/usr/bin/autopilot", line 317, in <module>
>      main()
>    File "/usr/bin/autopilot", line 297, in main
>      run_tests(args)
>    File "/usr/bin/autopilot", line 148, in run_tests
>      test_suite = load_test_suite_from_name(args.suite)
>    File "/usr/bin/autopilot", line 246, in load_test_suite_from_name
>      package = __import__(top_level_pkg)
> ImportError: No module named firefox
> and another example:
> jayson at ubuntu:~/autopilot-walkthrough/helloworld$ autopilot list helloworld
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>    File "/usr/bin/autopilot", line 317, in <module>
>      main()
>    File "/usr/bin/autopilot", line 295, in main
>      list_tests(args)
>    File "/usr/bin/autopilot", line 127, in list_tests
>      test_suite = load_test_suite_from_name(args.suite)
>    File "/usr/bin/autopilot", line 246, in load_test_suite_from_name
>      package = __import__(top_level_pkg)
> ImportError: No module named helloworld
> If someone could point me to what may be wrong that would be great.

Hi Jayson,

Yep, this is all new, it's for me too, in a good sense, your error I 
think it's because you're running autopilot from:


You need to do it from:


Hope it helps, happy testing

> Jayson

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