Test Cases wiki questions
Bruno Girin
brunogirin at gmail.com
Sun Jan 29 11:58:29 UTC 2012
On 29/01/12 04:22, Andrew McDonnell wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm new here, still feeling my way around :-)
> is it possible to file a bug against the test cases and wiki? or are we
> allowed to simply edit this?
Hi Andrew,
Some more experienced people than myself will probably chime in but I
would say that if the problem is an obvious one, like a broken link,
don't hesitate to edit the wiki and fix it. When it's a question of
wording, it may be worth sending an email to this list describing what
the current wording is and what you intend to change it to, so that
others can review.
> On https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/ISO/FAQ
> 'The Live CD installer crashes -- Can be a wide range of issues, but bugs can
> be filed agaist ubiquity and will be triaged from there. '
> The link to ubiquity in the above -
> https://bugs.beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bugs - is broken for
> me with a DNS failure
The correct link is:
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