QA wiki update
Gema Gomez
gema.gomez-solano at
Wed Jan 11 16:58:42 UTC 2012
On 11/01/2012 17:49, Nicholas Skaggs wrote:
> Alex, I started working through your version of the wiki also today. I
> pulled some of the changes you had made and replaced/edited the relevant
> sections on the main page. It would be good to get your content merged
> asap, so it doesn't fall out of date. We have the ability to revert
> changes, so I would encourage you to make your changes directly onto the
> main site and we can tweak as we get more feedback. Thoughts?
It is quite confusing to have to send people to a temporary copy, having
the new content on the main wiki would help loads keep improving. Plus,
we have a very comprehensive new version already.
> Nicholas
>> Hi Alex,
>> thanks a lot for this change! My feedback follows.
>> *Structure of the page*
>> I think the wiki should have a clearer structure, so we should think
>> about how to reorganize the text in a way that tells our story and
>> sounds appealing to the reader. So I propose:
>> == Welcome ==
>> <introduction goes here, let's say what you have already before "What
>> kinds of things does Ubuntu QA do?">
>> == What we do ==
>> <you have the list on the wiki, in my opinion it needs a bit of
>> reworking>
>> == Getting involved ==
>> <here we explain how to get involved in the work we are doing so things
>> like a link to the qa-ubuntu list, qa launchpad group are good there,
>> plus a link to our weekly meeting>
>> == Currect Activities ==
>> <Sounds good>
>> == Contact Us ==
>> <Sounds good too>
>> *Content of the page*
>> - I think this statement needs rewriting:
>> "The Ubuntu QA team is focused on developing tools, policies, and
>> practices for ensuring Ubuntu's quality as a distribution as well as
>> providing general advice, oversight, and leadership of QA activities
>> within the Ubuntu project."
>> AFAIK, we do not develop tools, we mainly use them. But we write and
>> develop test cases :D
>> - The areas in which QA is divided do not make much sense either, at
>> least from my perspective, maybe it was like that in the past? Need some
>> time to think about this one.
>> - What is the difference between the "Testing Team" and the "QA Team"?
>> We seem to have two different pages and I am not sure they are trying to
>> convey different messages. The paragraph starting with "We cannot leave
>> quality to good luck" is repeated in both.
>> I love the design and the icons at the top, very stylish :D
>> Cheers,
>> Gema
>> On 13/12/11 21:00, Alex Lourie wrote:
>> >/ Hi all
>> />/
>> />/ I've started working on our wiki [1] page update [2]. So far I've
>> />/ cleared the obvious
>> />/ parts (about Bug Squad for example), updated the content and
>> changed the
>> />/ order of things
>> />/ to better cater to the potential reader.
>> />/
>> />/ Please review and provide feedback :-)
>> />/
>> />/ Thanks a lot.
>> />/
>> />/ [1]
>> />/ [2]
>> />/
>> />/ -- />/ Alex Lourie
>> />/
>> />/
>> /
>> --
>> Gema Gomez-Solano<gema.gomez-solano at
>> <>>
>> Ubuntu QA Team
>> <>
>> Canonical Ltd.
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