Working with translated logs - shouldn't syslog keep an untranslated copy?

Ara Pulido ara at
Mon Jan 18 08:20:31 UTC 2010

Hello Przemek!

This was discussed some weeks ago in the Bugsquad mailing list [1]. This
was the thread that Brian started [2]. You can continue the discussion
in that thread.



On 01/16/2010 11:23 AM, Przemek Kulczycki wrote:
> Hi guys.
> Recently, while reviewing lots of logs for bugs in msttcorefonts I
> have been struck by an idea.
> Lots of these logs were translated to local languages (german, french,
> spanish, chinese, ...) which makes it a lot harder to troubleshoot the
> issues since most people do not know all these languages at the same
> time.
> So I came up with this idea:
> can Syslog be configured or patched so it would keep 2 sets of logs? -
> 1 translated for the user, and another 1 untranslated (in english) for
> reporting bugs.
> This would make bug troubleshooting much easier, since all logs could
> be sent in 1 language, also apport could be patched then to send only
> the english logs instead of the translated ones.
> What do you think about it?
> Would it be worth to implement it?
> English is the lingua franca of bug reporting so I think it would be
> worth it, even if the size of the logs on the disk would be doubled.
> Regards,
> --
> ## Przemysław Kulczycki <<=>> Azrael Nightwalker ##
> # Jabber/XMPP/Gtalk/Tlen ID: azrael[na] #
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