Ubuntu Weekly News: Issue #58
Martin Albisetti
beuno at ubuntu.com
Tue Sep 25 18:08:31 BST 2007
Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue #58 for the week
September 16th - September 22th, 2007. In this issue we cover the
Gutsy Gibbon 7.10 beta release, new MOTU members, new Launchpad
release, Software Freedom Day organized by the Ubuntu Nicaragua Team,
and, as always, much much more!
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* Italiano - http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/NewsletterItaliana
* Português - Start one!
== In This Issue ==
* Gutsy Gibbon 7.10 Beta Release
* New MOTU Members: Cesare Tirabassi and Travis Watkins
* Launchpad 1.1.9 Released
* Launchpad Privacy Policy
* Ubuntu Nicaragua Organizes Software Freedom Day
* In The Press and In the Blogosphere
* Meetings and Events
* Updates and security for 6.06, 6.10, and 7.04
* Translation stats
* Bug Stats
== General Community News ==
=== Gutsy Gibbon 7.10 Beta Release ===
We are now one week from the beta release of 7.10 and have just
entered beta freeze.
During the freeze, all uploads to main must be approved by a member of the
release team, so if you have fixes which are important to get in, please do
get in touch as soon as possible. Uploads to universe require a manual shove,
but are not subject to release management approval.
Issues which are important for the beta release will be tracked by the
release team here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+milestone/ubuntu-7.10-beta
See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-September/000341.html
=== New MOTU Members: Cesare Tirabassi and Travis Watkins ===
The MOTU team is pleased to welcome Cesare Tirabassi and Travis
Watkins as Ubuntu Developers. Both have put lots of work into Ubuntu.
Cesare has helped out the MOTU team in various ways and Travis wrote
alacarte (aka smeg) and is now busy with the compiz team.
http://launchpad.net/~norsetto http://launchpad.net/~amaranth
== Launchpad News ==
=== Launchpad 1.1.9 Released ===
* New "remote" branches: register a remote branch if you want
Launchpad to monitor it and link to its code-browser but you don't
want Launchpad to import the branch itself. Ideal for security related
* bzr+ssh is now the recommended way to upload a branch to Launchpad.
sftp is still available.
* We've updated the PPA terms of service to allow for a wider range
of free and open licences.
* You can now search for Incomplete bugs based on whether they've had
a response or not.
* If you add a bug watch in an external tracker that Launchpad
doesn't already know about, you can add the new bug tracker at the
same time.
* Upstream projects now have a view to show all bugs that need to be
forwarded to that project from a distribution.
* All of a project's translation files are downloadable in a single tarball.
* KDE plurals and context strings are now supported in translation
imports and exports.
There's plenty more in this release. Read the full details at:
Subscribe to the Launchpad News blog to read about more about
these new features:
=== Launchpad Privacy Policy ===
The Launchpad team have also introduced a new Privacy and Data
Retention policy that covers the relationship between Launchpad and
its users. The full thing is at:
The policy describes the ways in which Launchpad uses and retains
data, including:
* gathering data
* using cookies
* collecting and using data
* allowing for data removal and account closure.
The Launchpad team report that the policy formalizes what they already
do and so is not a change to the way they use data. If you're a
Launchpad user, they suggest you read the policy and send any
questions to feedback at launchpad.net.
If you'd like to receive notifications of updates to the policy, you
can subscribe to the Launchpad News notification feed at
== In The Press ==
* Preview: Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon, GNOME 2.20 (By: Thom Holwerda) - I
upgraded my laptop's Ubuntu Feisty installation to Gutsy a few days
ago. The upgrade process went completely awry, though, so I was forced
to do a fresh install. Not a bad thing, as it gave me the opportunity
to take a look at Ubuntu's soon-to-be-released Gutsy Gibbon with GNOME
2.20. This new release of course comes bundled with the latest GNOME
release (2.20), and hence, many of the changes are courtesy not of
Ubuntu, but of the GNOME team. And even though I often criticize the
GNOME team for not having a plan for the future, that does not mean I
do not like GNOME the way it is. And with the recent 2.20 release,
they have done a really good job at introducing more polish into the
desktop environment. The first thing I like about the new GNOME
release is the stunning new version of Clearlooks. Even though Ubuntu
does not use it by default (it of course defaults to Human), it does
include it in the default installation. Couple the new Clearlooks with
Compiz Fusion (now included by default in Ubuntu, and configurable via
that same Appearances dialog), and you are looking at a desktop which
easily rivals both Vista and OSX when it comes to bling. If you want
to add more bling, or want more control, be sure to do a sudo apt-get
install compiz-config-settings-manager. A recommended plug in (and now
a personal must for yours truly) is the Expo plug in. This will show
all sides of your desktop cube in a row, with a nice subtle
reflection, allowing you to switch between them, and drag applications
from one desktop to another. GNOME 2.20 also finally fixes a very,
very, old bug: the buttons in the task bar applet would change size at
will, dependent on how many windows you had open, the names of the
windows, the position of Jupiter compared to Venus, and so on. This
bug has now finally been fixed, and the buttons will not resize at
will anymore. In addition, there is now an X configuration applet in
Ubuntu. If there is one thing many people have been begging for ever
since Ubuntu began its march to the top, it is this one. Apart from
configuring drivers for your video card and monitor, you can also
manage dual-screen properties from this panel. Overall, I am simply
extremely impressed by the new GNOME and the upcoming Ubuntu release.
You can see the developers have put a lot of effort into not just
cramming in new features, but also making sure that existing features
work and look better.
* SUPERGUIDE: The Open Source Challenge. How to replace Windows
completely with Ubuntu - We all know how far open source software has
progressed, but has it come so far to not only challenge Windows, but
replace it? Can you really install Linux and open source software in
place of Windows, and want for nothing? Ashton Mills takes on the
challenge of using nothing but Linux and open source software... for
absolutely everything. Will he find nirvana in the process, or lose
all his hair in frustration? Follow him in and find out.
* Divining from the Entrails of Ubuntu's Gutsy Gibbon - According to
the 2007 Desktop Linux.com survey, Ubuntu is the distribution of
choice for 30% of GNU/Linux users. The exact figure is questionable,
but Ubuntu's dominance is not. For an increasing number of people,
Ubuntu is GNU/Linux. Yet, looking at the pre-releases of Gutsy Gibbon,
Ubuntu 7.10, I found myself becoming disturbed by the degree to which
this popularity has translated into uncritical acceptance. Make no
mistake -- due to the energy that the Ubuntu community and Canonical,
its corporate arm, have put into improving the desktop, this
popularity is well-deserved. Yet, at the same time, I find myself
wondering whether user-friendliness must inevitably mean discouraging
users from exploring their systems or taking firm control over them.
This question keep nagging me each time I installed, went through the
selection of preloaded software, explored the desktop, installed new
software, or examined security. Only once or twice did I find a
balance between accessibility to newcomers and a feature set for
advanced users. At times, too, I wondered whether the popularity might
be preventing Ubuntu from finishing some rough edges.
* Getting Started With Linux - Linux is hot again. In fact, there's
never been a better time for Microsoft Windows users to give Linux a
whirl. The OS is more usable than ever, easier to install, and more
compatible with PC hardware. It still helps to be somewhat tech-savvy
to get the most out of Linux, but that's no longer a major
requirement. This year, something else has happened that always seems
to spur interest in alternative OSs: Microsoft released a new OS of
its own. Possibly because upgrading to Vista costs money, or maybe
just because getting a new OS reawakens PC users' enjoyment of
experimenting with new software, Linux is cool again. With the tips
and resources we give you in this story, you'll be better acquainted
with Linux and have the guts to get started. We'll set you up with the
right distro for beginners, a slew of apps, and valuable tips to keep
you on track. For this article, we've chosen the popular Ubuntu — the
same Ubuntu that now comes installed on some new Dell systems — as a
demonstration distro, but several others are easy to recommend.
* Six Top Linux Distributions - You want distros, you got 'em. In
fact, you've got more than you can possibly handle. Ultimately, you'll
stick with only one, but while you're figuring out which one that is
you have nothing to lose. Do yourself a favor and install only one at
a time, unless you have a good third-party boot manager and you know
how to use it. Ubuntu: Our recommendation for beginners, this
extremely popular distro has a default GNOME front end, installs
quickly and easily and comes with reliable partitioning software. It's
also available as Kubuntu if you prefer working in KDE. Available as a
single-CD installation. Next 5 in order of appearance: Mandriva,
Fedora Core, Slackware, Freespire, and OpenSUSE.
* All Macedonian students to use Linux desktops - The One Laptop per
Child's XO, better known as the $100 laptop, gets most of the
headlines but NComputing is showing in Macedonia, with its Ubuntu
Linux based servers and virtual PC terminals, that there's more than
one way to get inexpensive Linux desktops into students' hands.
NComputing announced this week that its multi-user virtual desktop
software and low-cost virtual PC terminals will be used to equip every
school child in the Republic of Macedonia, formerly part of
Yugoslavia, with a Linux desktop. The national undertaking will
standardize all schools around a single technology platform, the
"Computer for Every Child" project of the Macedonia Ministry of
Education and Science. All together Macedonia will deploy 180,000
NComputing-enabled workstation seats, enough to provide virtually
every elementary and secondary school student in the nation with his
or her own classroom computing device. When completed, Macedonia's
Computer for Every Child initiative will have deployed approximately
160,000 NComputing virtual PC terminals and 20,000 NComputing enabled
PCs (which each also support a student on the attached monitor)
running Ubuntu. Besides Ubuntu 7.04, each NComputing server/PC comes
with NComputing's Terminal Server software and Open Office, Firefox,
Thunderbird, Evolution, and Wine.
* Ubuntu Mobile gets ready to roll - Can't wait until the middle of
next year to get your hands on a Linux-powered ultra-mobile device?
Then track down one of Samsung's Q1 Ultra UMPCs and you can load up an
alpha build of Ubuntu Mobile. It's actually a 'pre-alpha' release -
the official alpha will arrive on October 18, alongside Ubuntu's 7.10
'Gutsy Gibbon' edition, while the final release will accompany Ubuntu
8.04 'Hardy Heron' on April 24, 2008. The timetable was revealed
during one of Intel's many Linux-UMPC sessions at this week's IDF
techfest, where the Ubuntu Mobile alpha was already running on almost
all UMPCs and 'mobile Internet devices' seen around the floor. The
Ubuntu Mobile core is based on the primary Ubuntu core, with additions
by Intel's set of 'Moblin' Linux core tweaks for mobile Internet
devices plus the GNOME Mobile desktop environment (as opposed to the
traditional GNOME desktop intended for, well, desktops and their kin).
This in turn builds on the Hildon UI and 'widget' layer which Nokia
developed for their N770 and N800 Internet tablets and subsequently
pushed upstream to GNOME, to deliver a consistent look and fee,
hopefully shaped by Intel's own MID UI
== In The Blogosphere ==
* Dell's Desktop Linux Strategy: So Far, So Good - That statement
sums up Dell's (DELL) current desktop Linux strategy, which focuses
heavily on the Ubuntu operating system from Canonical. Dell insiders
tell me customer reaction to the company's Ubuntu PCs, introduced in
June, has been good. Even so, Dell representatives are careful not to
hype the machines. Here's why. "You've got to crawl before you can
walk and run," says John Hull, a Linux OS development manager at Dell.
"We're still at the crawling stage with consumer [Linux] systems." As
a result, speculation about Dell preparing an Ubuntu marketing
campaign appears premature. Hull is quick to note that Dell focuses on
multiple desktop Linux distributions. While Dell introduced its first
Ubuntu PCs this past summer, the company also offers Red Hat Linux on
workstations and recently announced plans to offer Novell's SuSE Linux
on PCs in China. But in the US, most of the recent desktop Linux buzz
has focused around Ubuntu. Overall, the user reaction to Dell's Ubuntu
PCs and notebooks "has been good," says Hull. "There obviously are
some bugs and it is rough around the edges" when it comes to some
drivers and selected application issues. In fact, Hull sounds like he
largely agrees with Walt Mossberg's recent analysis of Ubuntu for The
Wall Street Journal, in which Mossberg credited Ubuntu for its recent
advancements but concluded the operating system wasn't ready for broad
consumer adoption. Looking ahead, Dell is testing Gutsy Gibbon -- a
major Ubuntu upgrade slated for delivery in October. "We have weekly
calls with Canonical," says Hull. "We're actively involved in testing
the Tribe release and we're looking at hardware support and the
overall customer experience." The bottom line: Give Dell credit. The
company is taking baby steps in the consumer Linux desktop market with
Ubuntu before most of its major US rivals. And Dell embraced Ubuntu
the very same year Microsoft shipped Windows Vista. Michael Dell is
making a strong statement that Dell wants to support customer choice.
Even though Dell isn't quite ready to market the heck out of the
Ubuntu PCs, the company's decision to support Ubuntu is a win for
shareholders, consumers and the PC industry as a
== Meetings and Events ==
=== Monday, September 24, 2007 ===
==== Screencast Team Meeting ====
* Start: 19:00 UTC
* End: 20:00 UTC
* Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting
* Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreencastTeam/Meeting20070924
=== Tuesday, September 25, 2007 ===
==== Server Team Meeting ====
* Start: 15:00 UTC
* End: 16:00 UTC
* Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting
* Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting
==== Kernel Team Meeting ====
* Start: 15:00 UTC
* End: 16:00 UTC
* Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting
* Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting
==== Technical Board Meeting ====
* Start: 19:00 UTC
* End: 21:00 UTC
* Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting
* Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoardAgenda
=== Wednesday, September 26, 2007 ===
==== Edubuntu Meeting ====
* Start: 20:00 UTC
* End: 22:00 UTC
* Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting
* Agenda: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda
=== Thursday, September 27, 2007 ===
==== Gutsy Beta Release ====
* Start: 00:00 UTC
* End: 23:59 UTC
==== Desktop Team Development Meeting ====
* Start: 12:00 UTC
* End: 13:00 UTC
* Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting
* Agenda: No agenda set as of this publication
==== Community Coucil Meeting ====
* Start: 15:00 UTC
* End: 17:00 UTC
* Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting
* Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda
== Community Spotlight ==
=== Ubuntu-ni Loco Team Report ===
The Ubuntu-ni LoCo Team together with the Nicaraguan GNU/Linux Users
Group organized our first Software Freedom Day on September 13th in
Managua, Nicaragua.
* The opening conference; "Free educational software" by the youngest
members of the Ubuntu Nicaragua Loco Team (Sharon Gómez [1] and Elkrin
Mayorga [2], both 12 years old) was one of the highlights of the whole
event. They presented G-compris and Tux Paint.
* Gerald Lanzas from Ubuntu Nicaragua presented "Linux in the
education". This conference had the participation (via VoIP) of Luis
Sepúlveda from the Edulinux project in Chile.
* Edgar Guzman [3] (16 years old), from Ubuntu Guatemala talked about
the "Linux Terminal Server Project" and presented some thin clients
with Ubuntu.
* In the afternoon there were several conferences on programming
languages; Aldo Villagra from Ubuntu Nicaragua with "Ruby on Rails",
Celvin Rivas from Ubuntu El Salvador with "Java" and Edgar Martinez,
also from Ubuntu El Salvador, with "Python". The last conference was
presented by Alejandro Rodriguez, "LDAP + Postfix" from NUI Nicaragua.
* The closing event was an open discussion about technology,
particularly the implementation of free and open source software in
Central America.
Other activities
* There was an installfest area, distribution and burning stations,
testing area with some Ubuntu computers, a multimedia area and an
* The first meeting of the Central American Ubuntu LoCo Teams
(mini-Ubucon) was held on the same day with the participation of team
members and leaders from El Salvador, Guatemala and Nicaragua. The
discussion centered around the situation of the Ubuntu teams and the
FOSS community in Central America and agreements to continue working
together to grow the respective communities.
Some numbers:
* 500+ people attended the SFD Nicaragua 2007
* 500+ Ubuntu flyers were handed out
* 150 Ubuntu CDs
* 20 installs of Ubuntu
We had some media exposure as well [4]
* 4 TV interviews
* 5 articles in local newspapers
* 2 radio interviews
* links and banners in 32 Nicaraguan web sites
Photo gallery (work in progress):
* [0] http://www.softwarefreedomday.org/gallery/2007/SFD_Nicaragua_2007
* [1] http://www.softwarefreedomday.org/gallery/2007/SFD%20Nicaragua%202007?webnail=HPIM0064&action=show
* [2] http://www.softwarefreedomday.org/gallery/2007/SFD%20Nicaragua%202007?webnail=HPIM0072&action=show
* [3] http://www.softwarefreedomday.org/gallery/2007/SFD%20Nicaragua%202007?webnail=DSC_0521&action=show
* [4] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NicaraguanTeam/Prensa
== Updates and security for 6.06, 6.10, and 7.04 ==
=== Security Updates ===
* USN-513-1 Qt vulnerability:
* USN-514-1 X.org vulnerability:
* USN-515-1 t1lib vulnerability:
* USN-516-1 xfsdump vulnerability:
=== Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Updates ===
* Accepted gforge 3.1-31ubuntu0.1 (source):
* Accepted qt-x11-free 3:3.3.6-1ubuntu6.4 (source):
* Accepted xorg-server 1:1.0.2-0ubuntu10.7 (source):
* Accepted postgresql-8.1 8.1.10-0ubuntu0.6.06.1 (source):
* Accepted t1lib 5.1.0-2ubuntu0.6.06.1 (source):
* Accepted xfsdump 2.2.30-1ubuntu0.1 (source):
=== Ubuntu 6.10 Updates ===
* Accepted gforge 3.1-31sarge1ubuntu0.1 (source):
* Accepted qt-x11-free 3:3.3.6-3ubuntu3.3 (source):
* Accepted postgresql-8.1 8.1.10-0ubuntu0.6.10.1 (source):
* Accepted t1lib 5.1.0-2ubuntu0.6.10.1 (source):
* Accepted xfsdump 2.2.38-1ubuntu0.6.10.1 (source):
* Accepted upstart 0.2.7-7.1 (source):
=== Ubuntu 7.04 Updates ===
* Accepted gforge 4.5.14-22ubuntu1.1 (source):
* Accepted qt-x11-free 3:3.3.8really3.3.7-0ubuntu5.2 (source):
* Accepted postgresql-8.2 8.2.5-0ubuntu0.7.04.1 (source):
* Accepted t1lib 5.1.0-2ubuntu0.7.04.1 (source):
* Accepted clamav 0.90.2-0ubuntu1.4 (source):
* Accepted xfsdump 2.2.38-1ubuntu0.7.04.1 (source):
* Accepted update-manager 1:0.59.25 (source):
== Bug Stats ==
* Open (31038) -1413 # over last week
* Critical (17) -4 # over last week
* Unconfirmed (16077) +197 # over last week
* Unassigned (23161) -1404 # over last week
* All bugs ever reported (121254) +1289 # over last week
As always, the Bug Squad needs more help. If you want to get started,
please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad
== Translation Stats ==
1. Spanish (20043) -1760 # over last week
2. French (40238) -895 # over last week
3. English-UK (55835) +1435 # over last week
4. Swedish (52199) -2179 # over last week
5. German (64230) +58 # over last week
Remaining string to translate in Ubuntu 7.10 "Gutsy Gibbon", see more
at: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/
== Archives and RSS Feed ==
You can always find older Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter issues at:
You can subscribe to the Ubuntu Weekly News via RSS at:
== Additional Ubuntu News ==
As always you can find more news and announcements at:
== Conclusion ==
Thank you for reading the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter.
See you next week!
== Credits ==
The Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is brought to you by:
* Martin Albisetti
* Nick Ali
* John Crawford
* And many others
== RSS ==
You can subscribe to the UWN feed at: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/uwn/feed
== Feedback ==
If you would like to submit an idea or story you think is worth
appearing on the UWN, please send them to
ubuntu-marketing-submissions at lists.ubuntu.com.
This document is maintained by the Ubuntu Marketing Team. Please feel
free to contact us regarding any concerns or suggestions by either
sending an email to ubuntu-marketing at lists.ubuntu.com or by using any
of the other methods on the Ubuntu Marketing Team Contact Information
Page (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam). If you'd like to
contribute to a future issue of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, please
feel free to edit the appropriate wiki page. If you have any technical
support questions, please send then ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com.
More information about the ubuntu-news
mailing list