Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting Minutes - 2010-12-14
Brad Figg
brad.figg at canonical.com
Tue Dec 14 18:01:05 GMT 2010
= Meeting Minutes =
[[http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/12/14/%23ubuntu-meeting.txt|IRC Log of the meeting.]]
[[http://voices.canonical.com/kernelteam|Meeting minutes.]]
== Agenda ==
[[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting#Tues, 14 Dec, 2010|20101214 Meeting Agenda]]
=== ARM Status ===
* Marvel (mvl-dove)
* Nothing new this week.
* Texas Instruments (ti-omap)
* Bug 633227: Native building crash.
* Tested with Linaro 2.6.37 kernel which is close to upstream mainline. Native building still fails even with highmem disabled.
* X-loader and U-boot update from TI.
* Received 1700+ patch update from TI for 2.6.35 based Natty branch. This has been submitted to the mailing list, applied and pushed.
* Freescale i.MX51
* Bug 605042: Java crash issue.
* Due to a lack of FSL HW in the kernel team this has been difficult to diagnose. However, some testing was done on a Babbage 2.0
board but was unable to reproduce the issue.
=== Release Metrics ===
Release Meeting Bugs (8 bugs, 14 Blueprints)
==== Alpha 2 Milestoned Bugs (28 across all packages (up 10)) ====
* 1 linux kernel bugs (no change)
* 0 linux-ti-omap bugs (no change)
* 0 linux-meta-ti-omap bug (no change)
==== Release Targeted Bugs (133 across all packages (up 7)) ====
* 11 linux kernel bugs (up 2)
* 0 linux-ti-omap bugs (no change)
* 0 linux-meta-ti-omap bug (no change)
==== Milestoned Features ====
* 6 blueprints (Including HWE Blueprints)
==== Maverick Updates Bugs ====
* 54 Linux Bugs (up 2)
==== Lucid Updates Bugs ====
* 111 Linux Bugs (no change)
==== Bugs with Patches Attached:142 (up 2) ====
* [[https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?field.has_patch=on | Bugs with Patches]]
* [[http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ogasawara/csv-stats/bugs-with-patches/linux/ | Breakdown by status]]
=== Blueprints: Natty Bug Handling ===
nothing to report.
=== Blueprints: Enhancements to the firmware test suite ===
Changes to fwts (natty development branch):
* Method test - check for null object returns
* s4 - check for swap before hibernate
=== Blueprints: Handling of Deviations from Standard Kernels ===
Nothing new
=== Blueprints: Review of the Stable Maintenance Process (sconklin / bjf) ===
Kernels for both Lucid and Maveric had all associated bugs verified last week.
This means that it was not necessary to revert any fixes or re-upload the kernels,
as described in the stable cadence process:
This means that the kernels currently in -proposed could immediately enter
the Testing phase by the Cert and QA teams.
Thanks to everyone who tested their bugs promptly. This is the optimal
way to run the new process, with fast testing and no reverts. It's been
a little chaotic at times, and I'd like to thank the archive admins, members
of the cert team, and everyone else who is helping shepard this new process
through the first few cycles.
All releases other than Lucid and Maverick (except Hardy) have new packages
in -proposed, which contain only security CVE fixes. Hardy is delayed due to
a problem we encountered in moving to the new non-virtualized build ppa, and
should be built by the end of this week.
Testing status for these security-only kernels is unknown. They do not follow
the same testing process as the Lucid and Maverick stable kernels.
Most members of the kernel team are on holiday until after the new year. We
plan to try to upload -proposed kernels to begin a new cycle by Friday, Jan 7th.
=== Status: Current -proposed testing by cert. team ===
The certifcation testing has started for Lucid proposed kernel, but we cannot report on results yet.
cr3 and brendand are working hard on this and they should be able to have results for both Maverick and Lucid before the end of the week
=== Status: Natty ===
The Natty kernel is at 2.6.37-9.22 (rebased against 2.6.37-rc5). Items of interest include:
* A number of external drivers have been updated: dm-raid4-5, omnibook, ndiswrapper, and iscsitarget.
* The module RO/NX patches have been re-instated with bug fixes.
* 2.6.37-rc6 is imminent and will likely be the last kernel version until after the holidays.
* New firmware files to support new intel wifi adapters in the 6000 and 6050 family.
=== Security & bugfix kernels - Maverick/Lucid/Karmic/Hardy/Dapper (sconklin / bjf) ===
|| Package || Upd/Sec || Proposed || TiP || Verified ||
|| karmic linux-ec2 || 2.6.31-307.22 || 2.6.31-307.23 || 0 || 0 ||
|| --- linux || 2.6.31-22.69 || 2.6.31-22.70 || 0 || 0 ||
|| || || || || ||
|| lucid linux-ec2 || 2.6.32-310.21 || 2.6.32-311.23 || 3 || 3 ||
|| --- linux-ports-meta || || || 0 || 0 ||
|| --- linux-lts-backport-maverick || 2.6.35-22.34~lucid1 || 2.6.35-23.41~lucid1 || 0 || 0 ||
|| --- linux-backports-modules-2.6.32 || 2.6.32-26.25 || 2.6.32-27.26 || 0 || 0 ||
|| --- linux || 2.6.32-26.48 || 2.6.32-27.49 || 3 || 3 ||
|| --- linux-meta || || || 0 || 0 ||
|| --- linux-meta-ec2 || || || 0 || 0 ||
|| || || || || ||
|| maverick linux-backports-modules-2.6.35 || 2.6.35-23.13 || 2.6.35-24.15 || 0 || 0 ||
|| --- linux-ports-meta || || || 0 || 0 ||
|| --- linux-meta || || || 0 || 0 ||
|| --- linux || 2.6.35-23.41 || 2.6.35-24.42 || 14 || 14 ||
|| || || || || ||
=== Incoming Bugs: Regressions ===
Incoming Bugs
38 Natty Bugs (up 6)
1127 Maverick Bugs (up 14)
1096 Lucid Bugs (down 14)
Current regression stats (broken down by release):
==== regression-update ====
* 26 maverick bugs (up 1)
* 76 lucid bugs (down 7)
* 6 karmic bugs (no change)
* 0 hardy bugs (no change)
==== regression-release ====
* 177 maverick bugs (up 2)
* 198 lucid bugs (no change)
* 40 karmic bugs (no change)
* 2 hardy bugs (no change)
==== regression-proposed ====
* 13 maverick bugs (no change)
* 3 lucid bugs (down 3)
* 1 karmic bug (no change)
=== Incoming Bugs: Bug day report ===
The next bug day will be next week. I'd like for that one to focus on regression-proposed bugs
since the ones that I have on my list have been there too long to be seriously considered as legitimate
bugs in the proposed queue. I've decided to use this small segment of bugs due to the majority
of interested people being on holiday.
=== Triage Status ===
I have begun testing the script that replaces one tag with another. There is a pre-existing script
that bjf made me aware of, and I am looking at that for some of the other scripts I have/had planned.
=== Open Discussion or Questions: Raise your hand to be recognized ===
* One thing i'd like to point out is that this will be the last irc meeting of this year, the next will likely be Jan. 4, 2011
* The entire team wished everyone Happy Holidays!! Hope you enjoy your vacations.
Brad Figg brad.figg at canonical.com http://www.canonical.com
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