[ubuntu-mythtv] Tracking actual code/file changes

Marc Randolph mrand at pobox.com
Mon Apr 6 17:40:10 BST 2009

Howdy all,

I was wondering if the coders could make a quick comment (or even
better, copy and paste a link), either manually or via the Janitor,
to the code changes which fix various bugs - similar to what the
mythtv developers do in trac.  This would help everyone else on the
team to quickly (with the click of a mouse):

1. Verify that changes look correct
2. Verify that changes make it into a release
3. Makes it easier for new comers to understand what code is behind
various functions
4. If there are future problems with the same bug, quickly locate the
what was changed (ideally, file and line)

In short, this tiny bit of work and helps current and future coders,
as well as bug triagers, be more productive.

On a semi-related note, there are a number of 8.10 bugs listed as
Fixed/Committed.  I am about to move them to Fixed/Released, but
wanted to first ask if there was any chance that bugs marked as
Fixed/Committed didn't make it into the release?  (and now you can
understand #2 on my list above).

Thank you!


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