[ubuntu-mythtv] Developer Meeting for Mythbuntu 9.04

Thomas Mashos thomas at weilandhomes.com
Wed Nov 5 05:06:03 GMT 2008

We are about to start development on Mythbuntu 9.04, but first we need 
to have a developer meeting.  I'm looking for input on whether this 
meeting should be on Sunday Nov 9th at 1930 UTC (11:30AM PST), or Sunday 
Nov 16th at 1930 UTC (11:30AM PST).  As with all of our developer 
meetings, this meeting is open to the general public and you are 
encouraged to attend.

If you have a preference to which day the meeting should be held on, 
please reply back to this email message.  I will set the meeting date 
this Wednesday.



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