[ubuntu-my] Bringing Ubuntu and open source to Malaysians
zarul shahrin
zarulshahrin at gmail.com
Tue Mar 24 01:14:45 GMT 2009
Anyway just a note to avoid confusion later..
I am not against anyone who is trying to set up a company that provides
services for open source products like Ubuntu. What I am against is using
the community as a personal "vehicle".
2009/3/24 Yusof Khalid - Genius IT Enterprise <fryshadow at gmail.com>
> Open source is free.. deep into that, the code is free.. I think the term
> to make a profit is not suitable, If we provide a service then that should
> come into some $$$ instead the software that we used.. Canonical itself
> selling product same as like BSD community, they sell t-shirt, cd, poster
> and etc.. using the brand (BSD, Ubuntu).
> As a community maybe we should not pay for a particular person instead put
> some $$ for activity, that should be nice :)
> $0.002
> 2009/3/24 zarul shahrin <zarulshahrin at gmail.com>
> Most of the successful people that I met were rich because they did what
>> they love to do and not because they want to make money from it. I remember
>> watching a computer science lecture video. The professor mentioned about how
>> many people came to study computer science at Berkeley for the sake of
>> making a lot of money and not because they love the subject. Guess what? Can
>> be said all of them met a dead end according to the professor. This is not
>> something surprising for me though. As the exact same thing was told to me
>> by the people that I met.
>> But, if you do things because you love it, I doubt you have to be worried
>> about the $$$$. It will come to you by itself if you put enough hard work to
>> what you love to do. I am willing to bet, whatever you do with the money but
>> not passion and love as the sole purpose will fail. I have seen it in the
>> past, and I am very sure it will be the same.
>> Ubuntu Community is a non-profit community that comes with COC and so on.
>> It's not a community that we inherited from our parents and able to do
>> anything as we like. No, we don't have that freedom.
>> Unless you are an Ubuntu Member and have gone through all the trouble to
>> become one, you most likely won't understand my concern and what I am trying
>> to say here and it will be pointless for me to explain.
>> I will be happy if I see any of you here make a fortune through this
>> community. But I am afraid that I will more likely to see you guys having
>> hard time answering questions by either the Canonical or the Community
>> Council or worst case scenario, face a lawsuit rather than making money. If
>> that happens, who is there to blame?
>> Please take a few minutes and answer this question, what is the main
>> reason why we are here in the community? To contribute as much as we can to
>> the community because we love to do it, or because we have our own agenda.
>> I am sorry if my message offended anyone. I just want to be clear about
>> it.
>> 2008/6/19 Eric Seidlitz <seidlitz at gmail.com>
>> Zarul,
>>> So if I get this right, you think that your tenure as head of this community is a failure because someone expressed an interest in making some money off of open source?
>>> As for me, I have no interest in trying to profit off of the wonderful world of open source software (seems kind of counter-cultural), but if someone wants to try, let 'em.
>>> If I were you, I would take pride in your leadership of this group, that it has come so far that people are dreaming of the possibilities of making a living in the open source community.
>>> Just my $0.02.
>>> Eric
>>> Send Ubuntu-my mailing list submissions to
>>> ubuntu-my at lists.ubuntu.com
>>> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>>> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-my
>>> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>>> ubuntu-my-request at lists.ubuntu.com
>>> You can reach the person managing the list at
>>> ubuntu-my-owner at lists.ubuntu.com
>>> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>>> than "Re: Contents of Ubuntu-my digest..."
>>> Today's Topics:
>>> 1. Re: Bringing Ubuntu and open source to Malaysians (Tho Man)
>>> 2. Re: Bringing Ubuntu and open source to Malaysians (Donald P Kong)
>>> 3. Re: Bringing Ubuntu and open source to Malaysians (zarul shahrin)
>>> 4. Re: Bringing Ubuntu and open source to Malaysians (Altaf Jauhar)
>>> 5. Re: Ubuntu-my Digest, Vol 18, Issue 3 (Pepper Lim)
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Message: 1
>>> Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 22:32:53 +0800
>>> From: "Tho Man" <shuhaimie at gmail.com> <shuhaimie at gmail.com>
>>> Subject: Re: [ubuntu-my] Bringing Ubuntu and open source to Malaysians
>>> To: "Malaysian Team Mailing List" <ubuntu-my at lists.ubuntu.com> <ubuntu-my at lists.ubuntu.com>
>>> Message-ID:
>>> <9ce5212a0806180732u184af83dr199cef09a86762df at mail.gmail.com> <9ce5212a0806180732u184af83dr199cef09a86762df at mail.gmail.com>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>>> this would be nice....i like to join but my time is limited....may be we can
>>> have a brainstorming online how we can tap a market on this.
>>> why not start a google group and we can discuss bout this...
>>> make money is always something good to me..hehehehe...
>>> On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 4:09 PM, Pepper Lim <pepperlim at 3people.org> <pepperlim at 3people.org> wrote:
>>> > I'm not sure if I'm going about this correctly. I couldn't find the
>>> > rules for posting at https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-my
>>> > so forgive me if this posting is inappropriate.
>>> >
>>> > I've been thinking of a plan to bring Ubuntu and open source software to
>>> > Malaysians and Malaysian companies. It comprises of a business plan
>>> > (making money while we have fun kicking Microsoft's butt) and a few
>>> > other ideas.
>>> >
>>> > I would be interested to meet anyone else who would like to brainstorm
>>> > this idea. Please email me at pepperlim at 3people.org or call me at
>>> > 012-2951245
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > --
>>> > Pepper Lim
>>> > 012-2951245
>>> > pepperlim at 3people.org
>>> > Pepper's "Lim Family Tree" http://www.3people.org/limfamilytree
>>> > BBBS Old Boys' Association website http://www.3people.org/bbbssoba
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > Ubuntu-my mailing list
>>> > Ubuntu-my at lists.ubuntu.com
>>> > Modify settings or unsubscribe at:
>>> > https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-my
>>> >
>>> --
>>> Every Day Is A Good Day
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>>> ------------------------------
>>> Message: 2
>>> Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 23:22:24 +0800
>>> From: Donald P Kong <dpkong at pc.jaring.my> <dpkong at pc.jaring.my>
>>> Subject: Re: [ubuntu-my] Bringing Ubuntu and open source to Malaysians
>>> To: Malaysian Team Mailing List <ubuntu-my at lists.ubuntu.com> <ubuntu-my at lists.ubuntu.com>
>>> Message-ID: <1213802544.11781.4.camel at thinkpad-x61>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain
>>> there is no shortage of people trying to make money from open-source...
>>> what are your plans? can you not share them here? or are you here to
>>> scour for ideas and implement them in your own time to your own benefit?
>>> we have many groups scattered around Malaysia who are actively promoting
>>> open-source and Ubuntu for free. while monetary returns would be
>>> desirable, it should not be the main driving factor.
>>> nevertheless, i would be happy to listen to your proposals to encourage
>>> the usage of open-source and Ubuntu.
>>> On Wed, 2008-06-18 at 16:09 +0800, Pepper Lim wrote:
>>> > I'm not sure if I'm going about this correctly. I couldn't find the
>>> > rules for posting at https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-my
>>> > so forgive me if this posting is inappropriate.
>>> >
>>> > I've been thinking of a plan to bring Ubuntu and open source software to
>>> > Malaysians and Malaysian companies. It comprises of a business plan
>>> > (making money while we have fun kicking Microsoft's butt) and a few
>>> > other ideas.
>>> >
>>> > I would be interested to meet anyone else who would like to brainstorm
>>> > this idea. Please email me at pepperlim at 3people.org or call me at
>>> > 012-2951245
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > --
>>> > Pepper Lim
>>> > 012-2951245
>>> > pepperlim at 3people.org
>>> > Pepper's "Lim Family Tree" http://www.3people.org/limfamilytree
>>> > BBBS Old Boys' Association website http://www.3people.org/bbbssoba
>>> >
>>> >
>>> --
>>> -------%%@
>>> Donald P Kong
>>> +6019-887-7337
>>> +6016-809-7227
>>> http://nanasbarat.dyndns.org
>>> http://www.foss-solutions.com
>>> http://www.kuchingosc.org
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Message: 3
>>> Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2008 00:38:26 +0800
>>> From: "zarul shahrin" <zarulshahrin at gmail.com> <zarulshahrin at gmail.com>
>>> Subject: Re: [ubuntu-my] Bringing Ubuntu and open source to Malaysians
>>> To: "Malaysian Team Mailing List" <ubuntu-my at lists.ubuntu.com> <ubuntu-my at lists.ubuntu.com>
>>> Message-ID:
>>> <b3aabcca0806180938i7366e017r2797cb1686882303 at mail.gmail.com> <b3aabcca0806180938i7366e017r2797cb1686882303 at mail.gmail.com>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>>> How sad, I think I am no longer have heart for the community, I am proud
>>> that I founded the group and built it from zero, well, we might not be as
>>> active as the group from other countries but getting this far is already
>>> beyond my expectation. Anyway, this group is getting bigger I will let
>>> people who are more active like Nicholas, mypapit and e-jat to take over
>>> the leadership. I want to see the community grow, I really want to lead the
>>> group , but for the past 1-2 years when the group is getting bigger,I
>>> realized that I am holding a different ideology than many people that make
>>> my objective for the group is something not relevant. I don't think many
>>> people will agree with me.
>>> So I think the best way is for me to pass the leadership to others. I am
>>> sorry that I am failing some of you here, but when I founded the group, I
>>> wasn't dreaming having a big community and make profit from it. I did it
>>> because I fell in love of Ubuntu and back then it wasn't as famous as now
>>> and people contribute as they like, no commitment and nobody will force
>>> anyone to do anything, it's a free community in a free cyber world, but
>>> things changed... Nothing is free anymore, the community has adopted a
>>> businessman way of thinking. Open Source is no longer something you do for
>>> fun in your free time. It has become a business where you need to be fully
>>> committed. Well, it's true this way of thinking will give you the chance to
>>> profit from it. But, that's against my belief, the open source religion
>>> which I once was a devoted follower. Things changed, I don't want to be the
>>> barrier to anyone with my narrow mindedness.
>>> I am not putting away the principle that I've been upholding, I built the
>>> group, no matter how bad/suck I am as a leader, I have achieved what I
>>> wanted, to take it from nothing to where It is now, though some might claim
>>> that I did nothing. But it's now no longer relevant to me... The group is no
>>> longer my group , the group is no longer carrying the same teaching of a
>>> religion that I was once a follower.
>>> I wish the people who will take over the leadership will take care of the
>>> group well, we might have a different ideology, but I will still give my
>>> support at least as an ex-follower of the so called free software movement,
>>> a religion which is no longer valid to me. I wish you guys all the best, and
>>> I would like to apologize for anything bad I have done. I believe you guys
>>> will be able to give a new light to the group with your style of leadership
>>> and I hope that everyone will learn something from my mistake as a leader.
>>> Nicholas, thank you for being with me from day one. I was hoping that you
>>> will take over the leadership, but I understand that you have your own
>>> commitment.
>>> As for the rest of you, thank you for supporting Ubuntu Malaysia and for
>>> making it where it is now.
>>> p/s: I will send an email out to some of you guys in few days time regarding
>>> the leadership of the group.
>>> Zarul
>>> On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 11:22 PM, Donald P Kong <dpkong at pc.jaring.my> <dpkong at pc.jaring.my> wrote:
>>> > there is no shortage of people trying to make money from open-source...
>>> >
>>> > what are your plans? can you not share them here? or are you here to
>>> > scour for ideas and implement them in your own time to your own benefit?
>>> >
>>> > we have many groups scattered around Malaysia who are actively promoting
>>> > open-source and Ubuntu for free. while monetary returns would be
>>> > desirable, it should not be the main driving factor.
>>> >
>>> > nevertheless, i would be happy to listen to your proposals to encourage
>>> > the usage of open-source and Ubuntu.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > On Wed, 2008-06-18 at 16:09 +0800, Pepper Lim wrote:
>>> > > I'm not sure if I'm going about this correctly. I couldn't find the
>>> > > rules for posting at https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-my
>>> > > so forgive me if this posting is inappropriate.
>>> > >
>>> > > I've been thinking of a plan to bring Ubuntu and open source software to
>>> > > Malaysians and Malaysian companies. It comprises of a business plan
>>> > > (making money while we have fun kicking Microsoft's butt) and a few
>>> > > other ideas.
>>> > >
>>> > > I would be interested to meet anyone else who would like to brainstorm
>>> > > this idea. Please email me at pepperlim at 3people.org or call me at
>>> > > 012-2951245
>>> > >
>>> > > --
>>> > > --
>>> > > Pepper Lim
>>> > > 012-2951245
>>> > > pepperlim at 3people.org
>>> > > Pepper's "Lim Family Tree" http://www.3people.org/limfamilytree
>>> > > BBBS Old Boys' Association website http://www.3people.org/bbbssoba
>>> > >
>>> > >
>>> > --
>>> >
>>> > -------%%@
>>> >
>>> > Donald P Kong
>>> > +6019-887-7337
>>> > +6016-809-7227
>>> >
>>> > http://nanasbarat.dyndns.org
>>> > http://www.foss-solutions.com
>>> > http://www.kuchingosc.org
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > Ubuntu-my mailing list
>>> > Ubuntu-my at lists.ubuntu.com
>>> > Modify settings or unsubscribe at:
>>> > https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-my
>>> >
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>>> ------------------------------
>>> Message: 4
>>> Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2008 08:32:26 +0800
>>> From: Altaf Jauhar <althelix at gmail.com> <althelix at gmail.com>
>>> Subject: Re: [ubuntu-my] Bringing Ubuntu and open source to Malaysians
>>> To: Malaysian Team Mailing List <ubuntu-my at lists.ubuntu.com> <ubuntu-my at lists.ubuntu.com>
>>> Message-ID: <4859A91A.1090404 at gmail.com> <4859A91A.1090404 at gmail.com>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>>> ubuntu-my should be working under bigger malaysian user groups such as
>>> MyPenguin99. Alot of users under the group are ubuntu users... splitting
>>> into another group is not good. we need to coperate and team up to
>>> create a larger group. devide and we'll fall. combine and we'll grow.
>>> ahh... zarul..... you should just continue to be the leader... a person
>>> who started it should be the leader... coz you have the real spirit and
>>> understand the true meaning of creating the group in the first place.
>>> btw, we should not fight 'microsoft' anymore..... it is more like linux
>>> and microsoft will co-exist whether we like it or not. microsoft have
>>> been doing alot of changes lately... and one of it is to 'accept' linux
>>> and oss. that's why if you see projects like mono have not yet been
>>> 'banned' from the scene.
>>> honestly, i'm not a fulltime ubuntu nerd.. i'm more of a slackware nerd.
>>> but, i think ubuntu is cool and is the best thing a non-geek can get his
>>> or her hands on - if he/she wants to give linux a try. he'll/she'll be
>>> running linux in no time.. and enjoying it. 1 more thing, it must not
>>> just be ubuntu. it should be including all its variant: kubuntu,
>>> edubuntu, xubuntu.... coz not all ppl will like gnome (i'm a xfce and
>>> kde guy myself).
>>> ok. thats all for now.
>>> regards,
>>> he]ix.
>>> zarul shahrin wrote:
>>> > How sad, I think I am no longer have heart for the community, I am
>>> > proud that I founded the group and built it from zero, well, we might
>>> > not be as active as the group from other countries but getting this
>>> > far is already beyond my expectation. Anyway, this group is getting
>>> > bigger I will let people who are more active like Nicholas, mypapit
>>> > and e-jat to take over the leadership. I want to see the community
>>> > grow, I really want to lead the group , but for the past 1-2 years
>>> > when the group is getting bigger,I realized that I am holding a
>>> > different ideology than many people that make my objective for the
>>> > group is something not relevant. I don't think many people will agree
>>> > with me.
>>> >
>>> > So I think the best way is for me to pass the leadership to others. I
>>> > am sorry that I am failing some of you here, but when I founded the
>>> > group, I wasn't dreaming having a big community and make profit from
>>> > it. I did it because I fell in love of Ubuntu and back then it wasn't
>>> > as famous as now and people contribute as they like, no commitment and
>>> > nobody will force anyone to do anything, it's a free community in a
>>> > free cyber world, but things changed... Nothing is free anymore, the
>>> > community has adopted a businessman way of thinking. Open Source is no
>>> > longer something you do for fun in your free time. It has become a
>>> > business where you need to be fully committed. Well, it's true this
>>> > way of thinking will give you the chance to profit from it. But,
>>> > that's against my belief, the open source religion which I once was a
>>> > devoted follower. Things changed, I don't want to be the barrier to
>>> > anyone with my narrow mindedness.
>>> >
>>> > I am not putting away the principle that I've been upholding, I built
>>> > the group, no matter how bad/suck I am as a leader, I have achieved
>>> > what I wanted, to take it from nothing to where It is now, though some
>>> > might claim that I did nothing. But it's now no longer relevant to
>>> > me... The group is no longer my group , the group is no longer
>>> > carrying the same teaching of a religion that I was once a follower.
>>> >
>>> > I wish the people who will take over the leadership will take care of
>>> > the group well, we might have a different ideology, but I will still
>>> > give my support at least as an ex-follower of the so called free
>>> > software movement, a religion which is no longer valid to me. I wish
>>> > you guys all the best, and I would like to apologize for anything bad
>>> > I have done. I believe you guys will be able to give a new light to
>>> > the group with your style of leadership and I hope that everyone will
>>> > learn something from my mistake as a leader. Nicholas, thank you for
>>> > being with me from day one. I was hoping that you will take over the
>>> > leadership, but I understand that you have your own commitment.
>>> >
>>> > As for the rest of you, thank you for supporting Ubuntu Malaysia and
>>> > for making it where it is now.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > p/s: I will send an email out to some of you guys in few days time
>>> > regarding the leadership of the group.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Zarul
>>> >
>>> > On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 11:22 PM, Donald P Kong <dpkong at pc.jaring.my
>>> > <mailto:dpkong at pc.jaring.my> <dpkong at pc.jaring.my>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > there is no shortage of people trying to make money from
>>> > open-source...
>>> >
>>> > what are your plans? can you not share them here? or are you here to
>>> > scour for ideas and implement them in your own time to your own
>>> > benefit?
>>> >
>>> > we have many groups scattered around Malaysia who are actively
>>> > promoting
>>> > open-source and Ubuntu for free. while monetary returns would be
>>> > desirable, it should not be the main driving factor.
>>> >
>>> > nevertheless, i would be happy to listen to your proposals to
>>> > encourage
>>> > the usage of open-source and Ubuntu.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > On Wed, 2008-06-18 at 16:09 +0800, Pepper Lim wrote:
>>> > > I'm not sure if I'm going about this correctly. I couldn't find the
>>> > > rules for posting at
>>> > https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-my
>>> > > so forgive me if this posting is inappropriate.
>>> > >
>>> > > I've been thinking of a plan to bring Ubuntu and open source
>>> > software to
>>> > > Malaysians and Malaysian companies. It comprises of a business plan
>>> > > (making money while we have fun kicking Microsoft's butt) and a few
>>> > > other ideas.
>>> > >
>>> > > I would be interested to meet anyone else who would like to
>>> > brainstorm
>>> > > this idea. Please email me at pepperlim at 3people.org
>>> > <mailto:pepperlim at 3people.org> <pepperlim at 3people.org> or call me at
>>> > > 012-2951245
>>> > >
>>> > > --
>>> > > --
>>> > > Pepper Lim
>>> > > 012-2951245
>>> > > pepperlim at 3people.org <mailto:pepperlim at 3people.org> <pepperlim at 3people.org>
>>> > > Pepper's "Lim Family Tree" http://www.3people.org/limfamilytree
>>> > > BBBS Old Boys' Association website http://www.3people.org/bbbssoba
>>> > >
>>> > >
>>> > --
>>> >
>>> > -------%%@
>>> >
>>> > Donald P Kong
>>> > +6019-887-7337
>>> > +6016-809-7227
>>> >
>>> > http://nanasbarat.dyndns.org
>>> > http://www.foss-solutions.com
>>> > http://www.kuchingosc.org
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > Ubuntu-my mailing list
>>> > Ubuntu-my at lists.ubuntu.com <mailto:Ubuntu-my at lists.ubuntu.com> <Ubuntu-my at lists.ubuntu.com>
>>> > Modify settings or unsubscribe at:
>>> > https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-my
>>> >
>>> >
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Message: 5
>>> Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2008 18:02:51 +0800
>>> From: Pepper Lim <pepperlim at 3people.org> <pepperlim at 3people.org>
>>> Subject: Re: [ubuntu-my] Ubuntu-my Digest, Vol 18, Issue 3
>>> To: ubuntu-my at lists.ubuntu.com
>>> Message-ID: <485A2ECB.1050605 at 3people.org> <485A2ECB.1050605 at 3people.org>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>>> Thanks for the early responses. I'll wait another day for anyone else
>>> who might want to brainstorm with us.
>>> Just to give you some idea of what I have in mind, we will be making
>>> money. Oh, yes, money making is a big part of my plans. I've come to the
>>> conclusion that without money, we can't put this plan out effectively.
>>> Anyway, I got the idea from Mark Shuttleworth...
>>> ubuntu-my-request at lists.ubuntu.com wrote:
>>> > Send Ubuntu-my mailing list submissions to
>>> > ubuntu-my at lists.ubuntu.com
>>> >
>>> > To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>>> > https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-my
>>> > or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>>> > ubuntu-my-request at lists.ubuntu.com
>>> >
>>> > You can reach the person managing the list at
>>> > ubuntu-my-owner at lists.ubuntu.com
>>> >
>>> > When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>>> > than "Re: Contents of Ubuntu-my digest..."
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Today's Topics:
>>> >
>>> > 1. Bringing Ubuntu and open source to Malaysians (Pepper Lim)
>>> > 2. Re: Bringing Ubuntu and open source to Malaysians (Mohd Faizul )
>>> > 3. Re: Bringing Ubuntu and open source to Malaysians (ApOgEE)
>>> > 4. Re: Bringing Ubuntu and open source to Malaysians (Ong hean kuan)
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> >
>>> > Message: 1
>>> > Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 16:09:04 +0800
>>> > From: Pepper Lim <pepperlim at 3people.org> <pepperlim at 3people.org>
>>> > Subject: [ubuntu-my] Bringing Ubuntu and open source to Malaysians
>>> > To: ubuntu-my at lists.ubuntu.com
>>> > Message-ID: <4858C2A0.8070808 at 3people.org> <4858C2A0.8070808 at 3people.org>
>>> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>>> >
>>> > I'm not sure if I'm going about this correctly. I couldn't find the
>>> > rules for posting at https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-my
>>> > so forgive me if this posting is inappropriate.
>>> >
>>> > I've been thinking of a plan to bring Ubuntu and open source software to
>>> > Malaysians and Malaysian companies. It comprises of a business plan
>>> > (making money while we have fun kicking Microsoft's butt) and a few
>>> > other ideas.
>>> >
>>> > I would be interested to meet anyone else who would like to brainstorm
>>> > this idea. Please email me at pepperlim at 3people.org or call me at
>>> > 012-2951245
>>> >
>>> >
>>> --
>>> --
>>> Pepper Lim
>>> 012-2951245
>>> pepperlim at 3people.org
>>> Pepper's "Lim Family Tree" http://www.3people.org/limfamilytree
>>> BBBS Old Boys' Association website http://www.3people.org/bbbssoba
>>> ------------------------------
>>> --
>>> Ubuntu-my mailing list
>>> Ubuntu-my at lists.ubuntu.com
>>> Modify settings or unsubscribe at: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-my
>>> End of Ubuntu-my Digest, Vol 18, Issue 4
>>> ****************************************
>>> --
>>> Ubuntu-my mailing list
>>> Ubuntu-my at lists.ubuntu.com
>>> Modify settings or unsubscribe at:
>>> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-my
>> --
>> Ubuntu-my mailing list
>> Ubuntu-my at lists.ubuntu.com
>> Modify settings or unsubscribe at:
>> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-my
> --
> OSS'ers
> --
> Ubuntu-my mailing list
> Ubuntu-my at lists.ubuntu.com
> Modify settings or unsubscribe at:
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-my
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