[ubuntu-my] Netboot or Headless Installation

Shahriman Sam chaah86 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 6 02:48:19 BST 2007

Ubuntu is a good distro,  I would like to get more details on how can I
Install ubuntu headlessly or via Network boot Installation, Simply put is
like this ,
One computer is mount with the Ubuntu image on a apache+ webmin + dhcp
server .etcxx3 ( This is the install server)
70-80 computers with improper input/output (some got no monitor , keyboards
and etcx3) device but all are bootable from network.
One of my seniors have shown to me the possibility of headless installation
in BSD and I`ve done Network boot installation on Fedora before so i was
wondering is it possible for Ubuntu to do the same thing?

Muhammad Shahriman bin Samsudin
Electrical & Electronics Engineering Student
Universiti Teknologi Petronas
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