[ubuntu-my] Balasan: Re: FC6 hate my Ubuntu

Muhammad Radzi Ismail amirulraz at yahoo.com.my
Thu Apr 5 10:09:53 BST 2007

great story and perfect plagiarism over there (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214202&highlight=grub+fedora+suse)....but for me nothing,we need to help each other with knowledge that we got..but i guess author should feel something....before this he keep complain should give link not plagiarism. . .ha,ha

ok but if you manage to get work with that....please try my idea,to use ubuntu grub instead of fedora gfxboot...firstly ...boot in ubuntu livecd..then recover you ubuntu partition...(taken from how to reconfig system from ubuntu forum...)

sudo mkdir /media/repair

//mount your ubuntu partion to this folder
lets say your ubuntu partition is sd4


sudo mount  /dev/sda4 /media/repair

//then get super user privilege..

sudo chroot /media/repair su

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
//reinstall gub

sudo apt-get install grub
//then repair grub...

sudo grub

find /boot/grub/stage1

//check what is your ..use it for next command
//if you got hd0,0 then....
root (hd0,0)
setup (hd0)


sudo reboot

but i wonder...why you use few difference  distro while  you can get same thing  in  each  kind distro...if you want to  use fedora then  use it  one only..there is no difference in gui...but may have a few differences software developmnet but not many....
just try...if succeed i think i will make howto in ubuntu forum

MuHaMmaD RaDzI IsMaiL

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