[Bug 885525] Re: Deleting a Gmail Message Always Sends Item to [Gmail]/Trash

Bug Watch Updater 885525 at bugs.launchpad.net
Thu Jun 7 09:51:10 UTC 2012

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On 2009-12-06T05:39:56+00:00 Rtlpub wrote:

User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091102 Firefox/3.5.5 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091130 Thunderbird/3.0

Please note: this is *not* a duplicate of Bug 24064.

When accessing a Gmail account via IMAP, I'm unable to specify a custom
trash folder. The default Gmail trash folder is
AccountName\[Gmail]\Trash, but I would like to use something like
AccountName\Trash. However, even after designating AccountName\Trash as
the trash folder in Account Settings | Server Settings, when I delete a
message it is moved to the AccountName\[Gmail]\Trash. There is also a
strange behavior in that the trash icon is temporarily applied to the
custom folder when initially opening the program, but then is applied to
the AccountName\[Gmail]\Trash folder.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Setup a new Gmail account using IMAP.
2. Create a new folder in the root of the account. In other words, it should be at the same level as AccountName\Inbox -- e.g., AccountName\Trashcan.  
3. In Tools | Account Settings | Server Settings change the drop-down selector for "When I delete a message: Move it to this folder:" to the folder you just created (AccountName\Trashcan).
4. Delete a message from the inbox.
Actual Results:  
The deleted message is moved to the default Gmail trash folder (AccountName\[Gmail]\Trash).

Expected Results:  
The deleted message should be moved to the custom folder (AccountName\Trashcan) instead.

One final oddity. If you close the program and run it again, watch the
custom trash folder (AccountName\Trashcan) closely as the program opens.
You will notice that the trash icon is applied to the custom folder
initially, but after several seconds the icon is then applied to the
default Gmail trash folder (AccountName\[Gmail]\Trash) folder.

Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/thunderbird/+bug/885525/comments/0

On 2009-12-06T05:48:11+00:00 Rtlpub wrote:

One additional note: in prefs.js, the trash folder setting is correct:
   user_pref("mail.server.server2.trash_folder_name", "Trashcan");

In spite of the fact that this setting is correct, however, deleted
messages are not moved to the custom folder when they're deleted.

Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/thunderbird/+bug/885525/comments/1

On 2009-12-06T12:58:48+00:00 Cantalou-thunderbird wrote:

Tested with Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:
Gecko/20091130 Thunderbird/3.0 ID:20091130201643

I changed it to New and Account Manager

Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/thunderbird/+bug/885525/comments/2

On 2009-12-06T13:06:14+00:00 Cantalou-thunderbird wrote:

Created attachment 416328
Missing combo box

Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/thunderbird/+bug/885525/comments/3

On 2009-12-12T04:04:10+00:00 M-wada wrote:

*** Bug 534197 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/thunderbird/+bug/885525/comments/4

On 2009-12-13T14:29:38+00:00 Dave-j0p9h616hu4aas wrote:

Not specific to GMail as the title might imply.  This bug is for IMAP in
general (not sure about non-IMAP).

Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/thunderbird/+bug/885525/comments/5

On 2009-12-13T14:30:45+00:00 Dave-j0p9h616hu4aas wrote:

Also, platform independent (I am on openSUSE, 64bit).

Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/thunderbird/+bug/885525/comments/6

On 2009-12-14T09:04:04+00:00 Ludovic-mozilla wrote:

*** Bug 509207 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/thunderbird/+bug/885525/comments/7

On 2009-12-16T10:19:48+00:00 Morgan Read wrote:

*** Bug 519387 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/thunderbird/+bug/885525/comments/8

On 2009-12-21T16:41:25+00:00 Dave-j0p9h616hu4aas wrote:

Same issue effects all of the folder destination options (archive, etc).
Can I bribe someone for a fix?  lol

Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/thunderbird/+bug/885525/comments/9

On 2009-12-21T23:07:55+00:00 Rtlpub wrote:

Wow, I didn't realize it was quite so severe. I'm very anxious for this
fix as well, because it's a big enough problem that I can't move to TB3
until it's resolved. Hopefully some gracious coder will take care of it

Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/thunderbird/+bug/885525/comments/10

On 2009-12-21T23:09:06+00:00 Dave-j0p9h616hu4aas wrote:

Same... blocking upgrade ability for me.

Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/thunderbird/+bug/885525/comments/11

On 2009-12-22T08:17:30+00:00 M-wada wrote:

(In reply to comment #10)
> Wow, I didn't realize it was quite so severe. I'm very anxious for this fix as
> well, because it's a big enough problem that I can't move to TB3 until it's
> resolved.

Gmail/Gmail IMAP immediately removes mail in Gmail IMAP folder(Gmail Label) to which \Deleted flag is stored(auto-expunge=on is default of Gmai/Gmail IMAP), and Gmail IMAP doesn't support undelete for mail in Gmail IMAP folder(Gmail Label).
And, if you need to purge mail permanently, you have to move/copy mail to [Gmail]/Trash(Gmails automatically purges after 30 days). After move/copy to [Gmail]/Trash, if you want to immediately purge the mails permanently, you need to do "Shift+Delete at [Gmail]/Trash" or "Empty Trash at [Gmail]/Trash".

Because of above particularity of Gmail IMAP, our recommendation of IMAP
delete model is "Remove immediately"(consistent with auto-expomge=on of
Gmail/Gmail IMAP), and, in order to make "Empty Trash at [Gmail]/Trash"
possible, [Gmail]/Trash is always used as trash folder currently.

Pleae note that root-level Trash of Tb corresponds to Gmail Label of
[Imap]/Trash at Gmail Web Interface. So, if root-level Trash of
Tb(==Gmail Label of [Imap]/Trash) is used as trash folder for Tb, "Empty
Trash" merely removes Gmail Label of [Imap]/Trash. It'll easily produces
confusion by many users.

(In reply to comment #5)
> Not specific to GMail as the title might imply.  This bug is for IMAP in
> general (not sure about non-IMAP).
(In reply to comment #9)
> Same issue effects all of the folder destination options (archive, etc).

"one problem per a bug is rule at B.M.O", and this bug is for [Gmail]/Trash of Gmail IMAP.
Dave M, get IMAP log and check flow, and open separate bug with detailed description about your settings and/or environment(language pack, ...), with attaching log, please.

Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/thunderbird/+bug/885525/comments/12

On 2009-12-22T12:46:33+00:00 Dave-j0p9h616hu4aas wrote:

I took this bug to be about the fact that Thunderbird ignores its option
to specify a trash destination.  I had already created a bug which was
dupe-closed ( https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=534197 ).

The fact that this is "about GMail" is irrelevant, I think.  Thunderbird
has an option (in the UI even, you could do it in 2.x via prefs.js) to
say, "Hey, when you delete a message, move it here:..." and ignores that
option.  It doesn't say, "Hey, this is GMail, lets ignore it."  :-P

You have a recommendation, that's cool... but the options should still
perform as they imply.

I appreciate all that the TB folks have done, but I am not interested in
playing a game where I open bugs, have them closed, then get told to
reopen them...

Thanks, take care.

Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/thunderbird/+bug/885525/comments/13

On 2009-12-23T03:34:21+00:00 M-wada wrote:

(In reply to comment #13)
> I took this bug to be about the fact that Thunderbird ignores its option to
> specify a trash destination. 

If Trash(Gmail Label of [Imap]/Trash) is selected as move to trash target folder, icon of Trash(Gmail label of [Imap]/Trash) is changed to trash icon(unable to rename/delete, ..., until it's removed from move to trash target.) And, [Gmail]/Trash(Gmail folder of "Trash" at Web) is always used by delete(when move to trash model), Empty Trash, ...
It's never simply "Tb ignores its option to specify a trash destination".

> The fact that this is "about GMail" is irrelevant, I think.

What you think is irrelevant to this bug, I think.
This bug is for fact that if Gmail IMAP(IMAP server provided by Gmail), "[Gmail]/Trash" is always used by delete(when move to trash model), Empty Trash, ..., regardless of "move to trash target folder" setting.
"[Gmail]/Trash" is Gmail IMAP only folder, isn't it?
Dave M, you said next in your dup'ed bug 534197, didn't you?
> both on GMail (one is plain GMail, the other is Google Apps).
Are you saying "Google Apps is different from Gmail, so 'about Gmail' is irrelevant"?

Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/thunderbird/+bug/885525/comments/14

On 2009-12-23T03:39:09+00:00 Dave-j0p9h616hu4aas wrote:


Please read all of something and not just the parts you want.  In the
very second post to that bug I said:

"I setup a non-GMail related account and verified the issue there as

Sorry if that is unclear.

Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/thunderbird/+bug/885525/comments/15

On 2009-12-23T03:42:05+00:00 Jim wrote:

(In reply to comment #15)
> "I setup a non-GMail related account and verified the issue there as well."

Do you know if that account supports XLIST? I have a feeling that XLIST
support in Thunderbird is causing this.

Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/thunderbird/+bug/885525/comments/16

On 2009-12-23T03:43:52+00:00 Dave-j0p9h616hu4aas wrote:

Just to try and be very extra clear.

Standard GMail accounts:  Delete destination option is ignored.

Google Apps accounts:  Delete destination option is ignored.

IMAP account that has nothing to do with Google or GMail:  Delete destination
option is ignored.

Don't get me wrong, I am willing to do testing and provide info if I can.  I am
not interested in playing a game with multiple bug reports due to an
unnecessarily narrow view of an issue.

Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/thunderbird/+bug/885525/comments/17

On 2009-12-23T03:44:48+00:00 Dave-j0p9h616hu4aas wrote:

(In reply to comment #16)
> (In reply to comment #15)
> > "I setup a non-GMail related account and verified the issue there as well."
> Do you know if that account supports XLIST? I have a feeling that XLIST support
> in Thunderbird is causing this.

I apologize... I am not sure.  Is there a way for me to check this?  If
not, I will gladly call over to that servers admin in the morning.

Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/thunderbird/+bug/885525/comments/18

On 2009-12-23T04:05:46+00:00 Jim wrote:

It should be possible to turn on IMAP logs and check for an XLIST
command, but I don't know the details, unfortunately.

Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/thunderbird/+bug/885525/comments/19

On 2009-12-23T04:29:44+00:00 M-wada wrote:

(In reply to comment #15)
> In the very  second post to that bug I said:
> "I setup a non-GMail related account and verified the issue there as well."

Oh sorry, I forgot to care for your bug 534197 comment #1. 
Tb had problem like next.
  Change of "move to trash target folder" is not effective until restart.
Is it applicable to bug 534197 comment #1?

(In reply to comment #17)
> Standard GMail accounts: Delete destination option is ignored. 
> Google Apps accounts: Delete destination option is ignored.
In both cases, [Gmail]/Trash is always used(this bug, and 90% of bug 534197). 
> IMAP account that has nothing to do with Google or GMail:  Delete destination
> option is ignored.
What IMAP folder is always used by Tb, even after setting change and restart of Tb? Inbox.Trash or Inbox/Trash?

Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/thunderbird/+bug/885525/comments/20

On 2009-12-23T14:28:58+00:00 Dave-j0p9h616hu4aas wrote:

(In reply to comment #19)
> It should be possible to turn on IMAP logs and check for an XLIST command, but
> I don't know the details, unfortunately.

No XLIST support according to email hosting company (although they
stated quite honestly that they were not familiar with XLIST, so I am
not sure).

(In reply to comment #20)
> Tb had problem like next.
>   Change of "move to trash target folder" is not effective until restart.
> Is it applicable to bug 534197 comment #1?

No, the problem persists through restart.

> What IMAP folder is always used by Tb, even after setting change and restart
> of Tb? Inbox.Trash or Inbox/Trash?

I cannot do quite as much back and forth testing as I'd like right now
(at work in the office) but after a quick test and looking at the log,
it LOOKS like it is trying to use the folder wrong.  It lists all my
folders which are like:

INBOX.Archived (which is where I want trash to go)
etc etc

Then when I delete something it ends up being marked for deletion but
still sits in the Inbox (invisible in TB, but on the server it is still
in the Inbox).  The log seems to imply (to my ignorant eyes) that it
tries to do INBOX.INBOX.Archived then INBOX.INBOX/Archived.  Neither of
which exist.

However, an "Archived" folder is then created on the server as a sub of
Inbox (I only see it on the server since I am not subscribed to it in
TB) but the message is not moved to it.

Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/thunderbird/+bug/885525/comments/21

On 2009-12-23T14:39:53+00:00 Dave-j0p9h616hu4aas wrote:

Sorry, the above is unintentionally confusing.  The folder hierarchy is
that all folders are a sub of Inbox.  What I meant about the newly (and
wrongly) created folder is that it is a sub of a new sub Inbox.

Hope that is more clear.  Thanks.

Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/thunderbird/+bug/885525/comments/22

On 2009-12-24T00:08:42+00:00 M-wada wrote:

(In reply to comment #21)
> INBOX.Archived (which is where I want trash to go)
> INBOX.Saved
> INBOX.Sent

It looks namespace=Inbox, delimiter=".".
See bug 480393, bug 491424, bug 532345.
See bug 479226 if Inbox.Trash and Trash has relation to your problem.

> The log seems to imply (to my ignorant eyes) that it tries to do
> INBOX.INBOX.Archived then INBOX.INBOX/Archived.  Neither of which exist.

Already known phenomenon, when namespace="Inbox.", delimiter="." and
folder path specification has "/" (subfolder). See bug 532345 comment

(In reply to comment #17)
As all "Tb crash" is not always same problem even though "Tb crashes" is common, all phenomenon of "Delete destination option is ignored" for you is not always same issue/problem.

Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/thunderbird/+bug/885525/comments/23

On 2009-12-24T00:48:45+00:00 Dave-j0p9h616hu4aas wrote:

So I looked over those bugs and I am still a bit lost.  How do I set a
custom destination for deleted items if not via the UI?  This bug or
another, what info should I post where to help if there is no current

I'd love to move to TB3, but this functionality is important to me.


Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/thunderbird/+bug/885525/comments/24

On 2009-12-24T09:09:24+00:00 M-wada wrote:

(In reply to comment #24)

To Dave M:
If problem of your comment #5(== your bug 534197 comment #1) is same issue as bug 480393/bug 491424/bug 532345(and DUP'ed bug to them) or bug 479226, and if you can't find workaround of your problem in any bugs reachable via those bugs, ask for workaround at one of most appropriate bug, please.
If you are not sure that your problem is dup of a bug, *READ* last paragrah of my comment #12, please.

Anyway, your problem of comment #5(== problem of your bug 534197 comment
#1) is absolutely irrelevant to this bug for [Gmail]/Trash of Gmail
IMAP. Dave M, please don't add comments for your irrelevant problem to
this bug, in order to keep this bug readable. And, sorry for my lack of
care for your bug 534197 comment #1 in bug 534197 which I duped to this

Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/thunderbird/+bug/885525/comments/25

On 2010-01-16T17:19:11+00:00 Bogd-no-spam wrote:

I came to Bugzilla to report this exact bug. I keep going through the
comments looking for a solution, but all I see are flames^H^H^H^H
messages about what is or is not relevant about what one thinks.

I will try to explain why I believe this is a bug (although <a
href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=533140#c12"> this
comment </a> seems to state the opposite).

By default, when deleting a message from a folder via IMAP, Gmail only
removes the label from the message. The message itself is still there,
and can still be found in [Gmail]/All mail. This is the preferred
behavior for me, because I want to be able to search through messages,
while keeping a clean inbox.

However, in Thunderbird 3.0, deleting a message from Inbox will
automatically move it to [Gmail]/Trash. Which means the message will be
gone in 30 days (or sooner, if I empty the trash folder). This is not
something I want to happen.

So I tried setting Thunderbird to move deleted items to "[Gmail]/All
mail". However, just as the bug description states, the messages are
still moved to [Gmail]/Trash. Which leads me to believe that Thunderbird
ignores that setting for Gmail.

As I have stated before, I do not want this to happen, and I do not want
Thunderbird second-guessing me about where I want the messages to go.

I know that I can accomplish a similar thing using the "archive"
feature, but after years of using "delete", I tend to press it by
default. Which can lead to loss of e-mails.

Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/thunderbird/+bug/885525/comments/26

On 2010-03-17T20:47:46+00:00 Rtlpub wrote:


Just wondering if anyone here might have any info on the status of this
bug -- other than what's obviously (not) gone on here? Any chance this
is going to be resolved in 3.1? As I and others have said, we'd love to
be able to use TB3, but just can't make the switch without this being
resolved. Manually moving messages into a custom trash folder (really
the only work-around I can think of) just isn't acceptable.

Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/thunderbird/+bug/885525/comments/27

On 2010-06-28T18:47:03+00:00 Rtlpub wrote:

Not that there's any reason to think that it would have been otherwise,
but I just wanted to confirm that this is still a problem in 3.1. Also,
I've changed the title of this bug report from "Cannot specify custom
trash folder using IMAP in Gmail" to "Cannot specify custom trash folder
using IMAP". The "in Gmail" has always been misleading, because the
problem occurs with any IMAP server, so I went ahead and removed it.

Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/thunderbird/+bug/885525/comments/28

On 2011-02-09T23:19:22+00:00 Olivier+mozilla wrote:

I use a custom mail provider (sud-ouest.org), not gmail.
It cleans up the Trash folder once a week.
I tried to change the Trash folder to MyTrash, to prevent the mails to be killed every week.

I asked, with the UI, that the deleted mails be placed in "Courrier entrant/MaCorbeille", which is french for "INBOX/MyTrash".
It didn't work, and at reboot, I got a new folder "Courrier entrant" with "MaCorbeille" in it.

I checked the value of trash_folder_name in the configurator UI, and it was set to "Courrier entrant/MaCorbeille".
I set it to simply "MaCorbeille" and it worked.

Perhaps the trash folder should be set relatively to the current INBOX,
and the UI doesn't handle it correctly.

Perhaps it was the fact that INBOX in french contains a space. This
would explain the problem of comment 26 with "[Gmail]/All mail".

Hope this help.

Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/thunderbird/+bug/885525/comments/29

On 2011-02-10T02:16:23+00:00 M-wada wrote:

Changing this bug back to "Gmail IMAP only issue".
Problem is due to Tb's particularity for Gmail IMAP.
  [Gmail]/Trash is always used as trash folder, regardless of trash folder
  selection at Server Settings.
Next Gmail's/Gmail IMAP's particularity is relevant to observed phenomenon,
  When a mail is copied to [Gmail]/Trash, any Gmail Label is removed from the
  mail including [Gmail]/All Mail by Gmail/Gmail IMAP
but it's irrelevant to problem of comment #0 itself.
Original problem reported to comment #0 of this bug by bug opener is "trash folder selection at Server Settings is ignored by Tb if Gmail IMAP".

To all proble reporters in this bug for other than Gmail IMAP:

If problem just after trash folder selection change at Server Setting, and if problem while icon for newly selected trash folder is not changed to "Trash Can" icon, read bug 631362, and check whether your problem is same as bug 631362 or not.
If different from bug 631362 and not Gmail IMAP, get IMAP log and check IMAP level flow by yourself, and search bugzilla.mozilla.org well for already reported problem via "Advanced Search" of B.M.O, and, if not found, open separate bug for your problem with attaching log file(never paste), please.

Please note that same external symptom of "trash folder selection at Server Settings doesn't work" is not always same problem.
There are at least several kinds of problem which produces the same external symptom.
(1) This bug, for problem of comment #0, Gmail's particularity relevant problem. Phenomenon of comment #0 is easiliy be reproduced.
(2) bug 631362 (if Gmail IMAP, bug 631362 is irrelevant)
(3) Problem due to localized trash folder name by localized Tb.
    Because localized Tb puts localized trash folder name in prefs.js setting
    of mail.server.serverN.trash_folder_name, it causes mismatch between
    real folder name at IMAP server.
(4) Problem due to namespace.
    Because Tb puts <namespace>/trash-foler-name in prefs.js setting
    of mail.server.serverN.trash_folder_name,
    it causes mismatch between expectation by folder acceess component who
    expects string without namespae in mail.server.serverN.trash_folder_name,
    and <namespace>/<namespace>/trash-foler-name is used as trash folder.
(5) Other than above (1) to (4).

Please keep this bug for problem of above (1) only, for original comment
#0 of this bug only.

Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/thunderbird/+bug/885525/comments/30

On 2011-02-10T03:06:06+00:00 M-wada wrote:

Richard Livingston(bug opener), please note that this bug opened with your comment #0 is not meta bug for "trash folder selection at Server Settings doesn't work as expected". 
Is problem you saw with other than Gmail IMAP is one of (2), (3), and (4) in my comment #30?

As for "Tb ignores trash folder selection at Server Settings if Gmail IMAP"(your comment #0), I don't think it'll be solved soon.
One of best was ways to avoid "automatic purging from [Gmail]/Trash after 30 days by Gmail" is still "Remove immediately" model, or "Just mark it as deleted" model with "auto-expunging of Gmail=Off by Advanced IMAP Controls of Gmail Labs".

With any IMAP delete model, next can be an emulation of ordinal "Move to trash" model, if Gmail IMAP.
(i)   Create a Tb's Tag of $$deleted(lowest order) with tag label of "Deleted".
(ii)  If you want to delete a mail, add Tb's tag of "Deleted".
      ("1" can be used for shortcut by $$deleted).
      The added tag is shown for copy of mail in any Gmail IMAP folder.
(iii) If you want to purge "mail tagged Deleted", copy(or move) the mail to
(iv)  "Undo of delete" is possible by "remove Tb's tag of Deleted" and
      "copy(or move) back to a folder from [Gmail]/Trash", if within 30 days.
If you create Saved Search folder named "Pseudo-Trash" with "search target folder=[Gmail]/All Mail" and search criterion is "Tag contains Deleted", you can use it as ordinal Trash folder.

Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/thunderbird/+bug/885525/comments/31

On 2011-02-10T08:16:30+00:00 M-wada wrote:

Reason why Tb currently ignores trash folder selection if Gmail IMAP.
1. Gmail dynamically changes IMAP folder name according to "Display Language:"
   choice by user at Web Interface.
   At Web Interface, folder name of Inbox is also changed to localized name
   according to "Display Language:" if localized name is defined.
2. Real folder name at Gmail IMAP server for special folder is passed in XLIST
   command response which is extention by Gmail.
   According to RFC for IMAP, Inbox is always shown as "Inbox" to IMAP client.
3. Tb currently uses folder returned for trash in XLIST response always.
   Some reasons why:
   3-A. mail.server.serverN.trash_folder_name is static setting.
     To use differet folder as trash folder, the different folder should be
     selected by user via trash folder selection UI at Server Settings. 
     (can be called "current restriction", after dynamic folder name change)
     (was introuced by Gmail/Gmail IMAP.)
     If mail.server.serverN.trash_folder_name is always used, Tb can't find
     trash folder when "Display Language:" is changed by user.
     It'll produce unwanted problems, because Trash is very special and
     important folder for current implementation of Tb.
   3-B. If localized Tb, trash folder selection UI stores localized folder name
     for Trash in mail.server.serverN.trash_folder_name. (known bug)
     By "always use trash in XLIST response", this known bug is avoided.
   3-C. After trash selection change at Server Settings, bug 631362 happens.
     By "always use trash in XLIST response", bug 631362 is avoided.
   3-D. If Inbox/Trash is defined, Tb uses Inbox/Trash instead of Trash as
     trash folder(known bug. due to issue in namespace=Inbox support.),
     even when mail.server.serverN.trash_folder_name=Trash or [Gmail]/Trash.
     By "always use trash in XLIST response", this problem is avoided.
So, this bug for Gmail IMAP can be called "current restriction" on Gmail IMAP's trash folder.
This kind of restriction is not applicable to Junk folder selection at Junk Settings and drafts/sent folder selection at Copies&Folders. Junk/Drafts/Sent which is set in Junk Setting/Copies&Folders is always used.

Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/thunderbird/+bug/885525/comments/32

On 2011-02-10T08:33:28+00:00 M-wada wrote:

*** Bug 610667 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/thunderbird/+bug/885525/comments/33

On 2011-09-27T01:47:05+00:00 Zakmck73 wrote:

In short, it seems it is not possible to send deleted messages to a
folder different than Gmail's default trash folder, which is forcibly
deleted by Gmail every 30 days, which means you're screwed if you
deleted something by mistake earlier than 30 days ago. Because of that,
I think this is a severe limitation of Thunderbird and I think will get
rid of it, unless this serious flaw is fixed as soon as possible.

Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/thunderbird/+bug/885525/comments/34

On 2011-09-29T21:08:47+00:00 Rtlpub wrote:

I finally gave up on this, and will be giving up Thunderbird just as
soon as I can find a suitable alternative. In the meantime, I've had to
just get used to using delete for messages I know I'll never have a need
for in the future, and A for archiving/preserving all others (in the All
Mail "folder" or any other you designate).

Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/thunderbird/+bug/885525/comments/35

On 2011-10-09T10:20:46+00:00 Morgan Read wrote:

Re Marco & Richard's difficulties above, I believe the answer to Gmail's
trash/bin limitation is simply to use T'bird's "archive" feature where
you appear to prefer to use T'bird's "delete" feature and reserve the
"delete" feature for things you REALLY don't want any more.  Should the
fact that "delete" REALLY does what it says be considered a bug?  With
the introduction of T'bird's "archive" feature perhaps this bug should
be closed - especially as the bug, if there is a bug, is a bug with
Gmail?  (See WADA's comments above.)

T'bird's "archive" feature can be set to use Gmail's All Mail - which
will persist ad infinitum.

Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/thunderbird/+bug/885525/comments/36

** Changed in: thunderbird
       Status: Unknown => Confirmed

** Changed in: thunderbird
   Importance: Unknown => Medium

** Bug watch added: Mozilla Bugzilla #534197

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  Deleting a Gmail Message Always Sends Item to [Gmail]/Trash

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