Debconf help

Tony Yarusso tyarusso at
Thu Jul 22 21:12:12 BST 2010

On Thu, 2010-07-22 at 21:59 +0200, Stefan Potyra wrote:
> Oh, just saw another thing while taking a glimpse:
>         sed -i 's/\#includedir\ \/etc\/sudoers\.d/includedir\ 
> \/etc\/sudoers\.d/' /etc/sudoers 
> Please don't modify settings of a different package apart from the official 
> interface (that is exactly what sudoers.d is for).

How am I supposed to use sudoers.d if it's disabled?  Or will that
actually work, and the commented-out option is only if you want a
different includedir?
Tony Yarusso
Technical Team
Nagios Enterprises, LLC
Email:  tyarusso at

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