Staging area for REVU uploads?

Michael Bienia michael at
Sun Feb 22 11:47:07 GMT 2009

On 2009-02-21 20:52:47 +0100, Morten Kjeldgaard wrote:
> Oh, I didn't make it quite clear: I imagine that packages uploaded to  
> the PPA would be the ones that passed reviewing with 2 advocates. So  
> essentially, these package would be in a state ready for upload to  
> Ubuntu's archive. I agree that dealing with every upload in the PPA  
> would be unmanagable.

I guess I'm missing something here. When a package has two advocates why
not upload it to the archive? Or do you mean upload it to the archive
and to the PPA? What's the benefit of it? Is the NEW processing that
slow that it blocks reviewing?


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