Heads-up: small xine-lib transition in hardy

Reinhard Tartler siretart at ubuntu.com
Thu Nov 1 19:16:03 GMT 2007

"Emmet Hikory" <emmet.hikory at gmail.com> writes:

> Am Fritag, den 2.11.2007, schrieb Reinhard Tartler:
>> Btw, do we currently have some sort of transition tracker? If not, I'd
>> suggest to have a malone bug with a bugtask for every package (which
>> means ~20 tasks). We can track progress this way by using
>> debian/changelog)
> I'd like to second the use of many-tasked bugs in Malone to address
> these, for both easier tracking and easy changelog updates.

Okay, I'm trying out the malone way for this transition as guinea
pig. This is clearly not a change in workflow (yet). If you think it is
a good idea, then please help to close the bug by fixing the packages
and upload it mentioning this bug in debian/changelog.

The list of packages have been caluculated by the following means:

packages=`apt-cache rdepends libxine1 | sort | uniq | grep "^  " `
srcpackages=`for p in $packages; do apt-cache showsrc $p | \
             awk '/^Package:/ {print $2}'; done | sort | uniq`
echo $srcpackages

The list below has been 'manually' tuned.

  affects ubuntu/amarok
  affects ubuntu/codeine
  affects ubuntu/gimageview
  affects ubuntu/kaffeine
  affects ubuntu/kde4base
  affects ubuntu/kdemultimedia
  affects ubuntu/klear
  affects ubuntu/kmediafactory
  affects ubuntu/kmplayer
  affects ubuntu/miro
  affects ubuntu/oxine
  affects ubuntu/pornview
  affects ubuntu/pyxine
  affects ubuntu/qdvdauthor
  affects ubuntu/quark
  affects ubuntu/totem
  affects ubuntu/ultrastar-ng
  affects ubuntu/xfmedia
  affects ubuntu/xine-plugin
  affects ubuntu/xine-ui

Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4
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