Package Maintainance

Jerome Gotangco jgotangco at
Mon Oct 16 06:50:07 BST 2006

Hi Indraveni,

The Ubuntu wiki itself has the information you need:

All other info you need can be sourced from:



On 10/16/06, Indraveni <indraveni at> wrote:
> Hi,
>  I am interested in knowing how ubuntu is maintaining its packages. I have
> seen that every  debian pacakge has been recompiled and renamed into ubuntu
> packages. How this is done, is there any tool present to automate this
> process? As per my knowledge to rename a debian pacckage into ubuntu,
> 1) we need to extrac the debian source
> 2) change the version name in the debian/changlog file to ubuntu (from
> debian)
> 3) then do any other necessary modifications like replacing the ubuntu
> images etc.
> 4) then recompile it uding dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot command.
> In order to do this procedure for all 15000 pacakges of debian (stable,
> unstable, testing) it will consume lot of resources and man power.
> So is there any tool present or u r using for this process to automate.
> Please some one give me this information.
> Awaiting for your reply
> Thanks & Regards
> Indraveni K
> Project Engineer
> CDAC - Chennai
> India
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Jerome Gotangco
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