Package Maintainance

Indraveni indraveni at
Mon Oct 16 06:44:17 BST 2006


 I am interested in knowing how ubuntu is maintaining its packages. I have seen that every  debian pacakge has been recompiled and renamed into ubuntu packages. How this is done, is there any tool present to automate this process? As per my knowledge to rename a debian pacckage into ubuntu, 
1) we need to extrac the debian source 
2) change the version name in the debian/changlog file to ubuntu (from debian) 
3) then do any other necessary modifications like replacing the ubuntu images etc.
4) then recompile it uding dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot command.

In order to do this procedure for all 15000 pacakges of debian (stable, unstable, testing) it will consume lot of resources and man power. 

So is there any tool present or u r using for this process to automate. Please some one give me this information.

Awaiting for your reply

Thanks & Regards
Indraveni K
Project Engineer
CDAC - Chennai

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