[Ubuntu-ma] Fwd: maroc numéric 2013 et l 'opensource

Hassan El Jacifi waver at ubuntu.com
Jeu 17 Juin 10:17:20 BST 2010


Dell recommande Ubuntu ;)


J'aime bien le point (6):

Ubuntu is safer than Microsoft®  Windows®

The vast majority of viruses and spyware written by hackers are not
designed to target and attack Linux.


Et le comparatif :


Le -10. 01. 37 20:59, Nordin a écrit :
> Oui oui, il y'a Skype.
> The problem still is that the majority use MSN as chat platform. Why? I 
> think it's because a lot of people in the world use hotmail as email 
> acount. With that same acount you can easily login on MSN without to 
> register again. Registering is one of the thing people don't like, 
> including myself. So as we moroccans in Europe keep in touch with the 
> family in Morocco, we simply use MSN, cause that's what we have. Google 
> chat isn't so popular here in Europe and maybe it's the same in Morocco, 
> from what I've seen in Cybercafes. Skype is more popular as internet 
> phone, but due to poor connection, it didn't work well. With MSN, 
> somehow people could find other people, like girls and try to contact 
> them, that's the reality. So MSN made itself attractive to the simple 
> users, and that's a strong Mircosoft strategy.

What about aMSN? I don't use it but I think you can do voice/video call
with other MSN users.

> If Skype is getting bigger (and it will be for sure, when all smartphone 
> will support Skype) more people will use Skype. Since Skype work well on 
> Linux, than the chances are much better people will switch to Linux 
> encouraged by the fact that Linux is free, stable and 7alal :p

You can have skype with almost all the new smartphone, even the old
ones. People should just know that with skype+smartphone+wifi, we can
call another skype user anywhere he is. For free ;)

Until know skype is not yet open source [1] but there's replacement [2]
for people who want to use only opensource software.

[1] http://blogs.skype.com/linux/2009/11/skype_open_source.html

Best regards,

Hassan El Jacifi


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