[Ubuntu-ma] Fwd: maroc numéric 2013 et l 'opensource
bouchtaoui at gmail.com
Jeu 17 Juin 11:29:09 BST 2010
On 17-6-2010 11:17, Hassan El Jacifi wrote:
>> If Skype is getting bigger (and it will be for sure, when all smartphone
>> will support Skype) more people will use Skype. Since Skype work well on
>> Linux, than the chances are much better people will switch to Linux
>> encouraged by the fact that Linux is free, stable and 7alal :p
> You can have skype with almost all the new smartphone, even the old
> ones. People should just know that with skype+smartphone+wifi, we can
> call another skype user anywhere he is. For free ;)
Well, my new Android (HTC Desire) phone has no Skype yet... :(
I also couldn't find it on the market...
But anyway, thanks to the smartphone industry, skype can grow very fast
and MSN won't be attractive anymore.
In that case, new users can easily swtich to Ubuntu without missing the
important apps.
I don't like MSN because it first loads Live! or something which is
eating all my RAM and takes minutes before I can use it :(
> Until know skype is not yet open source [1] but there's replacement [2]
> for people who want to use only opensource software.
And it won't be, the opensource skype is just the client and it's
limited, as far as I know.
> [1] http://blogs.skype.com/linux/2009/11/skype_open_source.html
> [2]
> http://www.fsf.org/campaigns/priority-projects/index_html/#skypereplacement
> Best regards,
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