[UCLP] Next Meeting Topic: Course Organization

Charles Profitt indigo196 at rochester.rr.com
Mon Oct 12 02:34:37 BST 2009

Hello all:

I had a conversation on IRC the other night with doctormo about how
courses should be organized. I will give a brief example here so we can
gather our thoughts and discuss prior to the next IRC meeting.

---- general concept ----

Organize courses in 'strands' like college majors.

Ubuntu Desktop Strand:
- Installing Ubuntu
- Open Office
- Multimedia in Ubuntu
- Gimp
- Inkscape
- Basic Command Line
- Basic Security
- Keeping Ubuntu up-to-date
- etc

Ubuntu Server Strand:
 - Installing Ubuntu
 - Basic Command Line
 - Apache
 - MySQL
 - PHP
 - Basic Security
 - SSH
 - Advanced Security
 - Keeping Ubuntu up-to-date
 - etc

I added two 'shell courses' to Moodle as an example as well.

I would love to get feedback.



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