[UCLP] Team meeting tonight @ 22:00:00 UTC

Elizabeth Krumbach lyz at ubuntu.com
Mon Oct 5 13:40:30 BST 2009

Hi everyone,

Quick reminder that we have a meeting this evening at 22:00 UTC (6PM EDT).

The two core things I see we need to address:

 * We had a Moodle training session with some folks Belinda brought
in. Was this sufficient to get us started? Do we have more questions
about getting started with Moodle?

 * William Chambers wrote a course on workflow which includes bzr and
asciidoc and passed it on to Martin Owens for review, what is the
status? Are we close to a solid workflow to begin development with?

And of course add any of your own agenda items here:


Elizabeth Krumbach // Lyz // pleia2

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