[ubuntu-slv] Prevajanje Browsershots-a

"Dražen M." crazy na ludni.ca
Ned Jun 13 13:24:18 BST 2010

Pozdravljeni soprevajalci,

kontaktiral me je član BrowserShots spletne strani (www.browsershots.org)
in me vprašal, če lahko pomagam pri prevajanju te spletne storitve.
Žal sam sem trenutno zaposlen z izpiti, če pa želi kdo od vas se
vključit v ta projekt prevajanja je tukaj nekaj informacij:

On 11. 06. 2010 02:13, Browsershots Translation wrote:

> > Hi,
> >
> > I am looking for Slovenian translators to help us creating a multi-language
> > interface for Browsershots (http://browsershots.org). I found you are an
> > active Slovenian translator at Launchpad and would like to ask you for help
> > to do some translation.
> >
> > Browsershots is an open-source project. I formerly use Launchpad for
> > translations
> > (https://translations.launchpad.net/shotserver/0.4/+pots/shotserver) but I
> > implemented a built-in translation system at
> > http://browsershots.org/translation so the one on Launchpad will not be used
> > any more.
> >
> > Built-in translation system has some advantages:
> >
> > 1. Faster for translator, no need to open a new page to enter translations,
> > quick search, etc.
> > 2. Specific to our needs, associate context, examples, max_length attributes
> > to messages if needed.
> > 3. Flexible deployment, we can deployed new translations to production
> > server in 30 seconds at any time.
> >
> > If you would like to contribute, simply reply to this message and we will
> > create a translator account for you at Browsershots. Every translator will
> > get a link from Browsershots. We appreciate your work to make this site more
> > easy-to-use for all people around the world!
> >
> > Greetings

Če se želi kdo vključit v ta projekt naj mi to pove, da lahko ustvarijo
prevajalski račun za vas.


Dražen M.

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