[Fwd: Final call for universe packages to be translatable in Launchpad]

Redmar redmar op ubuntu-nl.org
Za Mrt 31 07:28:44 UTC 2012

Hallo vertalers,

Het onderstaande mailtje leek me wel interessant voor ons. Weet iemand
nog pakketten uit universe die we graag via launchpad willen kunnen


------- Doorgestuurd bericht -------
> Van: Andrej Znidarsic <andrej.znidarsic op gmail.com>
> Aan: ubuntu-translators op lists.ubuntu.com
> Onderwerp: Final call for universe packages to be translatable in
> Launchpad
> Datum: Thu, 29 Mar 2012 20:22:05 +0300
> Hello translators!
> You might remember a call for universe packages to be translatable in
> Launchpad. 
> We managed to get the first testing package working and iron out the
> bugs. Now we are confident the system works as it should feel we can
> push it's usage to other packages..
> List of upstream programs to be included is located
> at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/Universe_Translations_in_LP
> Please review it and add any other upstream program you feel should be
> translatable in Launchpad. Note this is a final call for suggestion
> for the first round.
> We would like to get as many suggestions as possible but at the same
> time need to hurry if we want to have good possibility of getting some
> of the translations into Precise so the deadline for additional
> suggestions is Tuesday, April 3rd, 14.00 CET.
> After that we will start filling first batch of bugs with the
> responsible maintainers and hopefully we will manage to enable some of
> them already for upcoming 12.04.
> questions & comments are welcome
> Andrej
> -- 
> ubuntu-translators mailing list
> ubuntu-translators op lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-translators

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