[Gruppo traduzione] Fwd: [Training Community] Ubuntu 10.04 course

Dario Cavedon dcavedon a gmail.com
Mer 19 Maggio 2010 08:11:05 BST

Risposta dal Training Team di Canonical: non ci sarą una nuova
versione del corso desktop, anche se potrebbero decidere di
"liberarlo" e lasciare che qualcuno delle comunitą lo aggiorni.

Forse a questo punto č meglio concentrare gli sforzi su "Ubuntu manual".

Ciao, Dario

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Belinda Lopez <belinda.lopez a canonical.com>
Date: 2010/5/18
Subject: Re: [Training Community] Ubuntu 10.04 course
To: Dario Cavedon <dcavedon a gmail.com>

Hi Dario,
 Unfortunately Canonical has decided to not update the desktop course
any further.  I will ask if we can release the course as simply CC-BY-SA
and with the current NC clause so that the community can be free to
update it.  there are several projects, including the Ubuntu Manual
Project which have done a much better job of creating materials for 10.04.



Dario Cavedon wrote:
> Hello, I'm Dario Cavedon, from Italian LoCo Team.
> Is there any news for the Ubuntu 10.04 course? We are interested in
> translating it in italian, and we'd like to know when it becomes
> available.
> Thanks, Dario

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