[Tradutores-Ubuntu] [Terminoloxía] Dash en Unity

damufo damufo at gmail.com
Mon May 30 16:55:48 UTC 2011

En 2011/05/30 18:18, Miguel Bouzada escribiu:
> para Dock xa se emprega "doca" , que viría ser unha forma anterior (IMHO) de
> chamarlle a un peirao
> tamén teriamos o salpicadeiro→ táboa que levan os carros e coches de cavalos
> para facer de barreira das salpicaduras das bestas
> e para estante tamén temos andel e repisa
e alzadeiro
> 2011/5/30 Román<roman.pena.perez at gmail.com>
>> 2011/5/30 Antón Méixome<certima at certima.net>:
>>> Desde logo, opto por traducilo pero sen seguir as metáforas de coches
>>> que pouco nos poden inspirar en galego.
>>> Podería facerse analoxía co "mando da tele", que tamén ten botóns. É
>>> dicir "mando de botóns", reducido a "mando". Con todo, non me
>>> convence. Gústame máis a idea de asimilalo cos instrumentos musicais
>>> que teñen teclas ou botóns, como por exemplo a zanfoña ou moito
>>> mellor, o acordeón.
>> http://bp3.blogger.com/_Vo0Eb4valwQ/SFaUFOn_NOI/AAAAAAAAAVE/WJt2ehIuB-s/s1600-h/zanfona%5B2%5D.jpg
>>> De aí sairía «caixa de botóns»
>>> Aquí chámanlle botonería (?)
>>> http://www.xaneco.com/galego/apartados/evolucion/4evol12.htm
>>> Por iso, tamén podería adaptarse "botoadura" (nunca podería ser
>>> botoeira e tamén me parece que "botoaxe" é un invento innecesario,
>>> aínda que se rexistre teoricamente). A solución portuguesa "panel"
>>> tamén valería pero iría sendo cada vez menos precisa. Sería así panel,
>>> cadro de botóns>  botoadura
>>> Temos a triste «vantaxe» de que ningún dos dous están recollidos ou
>>> definidos oficialmente en galego.
>>> En resumo, propoño:  caixa de botóns, caixa botoeira ou "botoadura"
>>> 2011/5/30 Miguel Bouzada<mbouzada at gmail.com>:
>>>> Levamos uns días lendo a "discusión" na rolda de ubuntu translator o
>>>> seguinte fió relativo á tradución de "Dash" en Unity. pegoo aquí a fin
>>>> de que opinedes sobre a posible tradución ao galego.
>>>> On the Dutch forum we started a discussion about the translation of
>>>> the word "Dash". There have been many reactions. I am wondering what
>>>> other translation teams think of this.
>>>> In short, there are two options:
>>>> 1. do not translate it
>>>> 2. find a new word for "Dash" that describes best what it is. Some
>>>> suggestions are: startmenu, dashboard (which is an accepted word in
>>>> Dutch), snelstartmenu (= quick start).
>>>> Hannie
>>>> Ubuntu Dutch Translators
>>>> ====>
>>>> In Slovenian language team we translate something which could be
>>>> translated something like "overview board" (since it gives you
>>>> overview over everything on the system).
>>>> I think it's a good solution in our case, since "Dash" sounds too
>> strange.
>>>> We tend to translate most english terms (in case they cannot be used
>>>> in Slovenian), but we have some exceptions, such as applet which we
>>>> don't translate (since we haven't figured out a short Slovenian
>>>> replacement yet).
>>>> regards
>>>> Andrej
>>>> Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things
>>>> brought together.
>>>> ====>
>>>> Hi :)
>>>> Yes, "Dash" as in "Dashboard" rather than as in "hasty movement" is
>>>> very dependant on car-culture.  Outside of the USA (or even England)
>>>> it might be more appropriate to use something completely different.
>>>> Just my opinion but not every culture is so dependant on such a
>>>> polluting&  expensive form of transport.
>>>> Regards from
>>>> Tom :)
>>>> ====>
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> In Brazilian Portuguese we understood that Dash is from Dashboard and
>>>> we adapted to Painel, like Panel in english.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> -------------------------------------------------
>>>> André Gondim
>>>> ====>
>>>> Dash in English has overloaded meanings;
>>>> 1. the hyphen symbol "-";
>>>> 2. The instrument dash(board) of a motor vehicle;
>>>> 3.  A short, quick run;
>>>> 4  maybe others.
>>>> Assuming [2], can you borrow form the motor vehicle terminology  like
>>>> Bill Gates did?  (I thnk BG coined the phrase 'digital dashboard' in
>>>> one of his illuminating moments).
>>>> --
>>>> Greg
>>>> ====>
>>>> I think we haven't settled on anything specific yet in Finnish. When
>>>> possible, I try to omit the whole Dash from the sentence completely if
>>>> the context already tells the reader what's being talked about. Then
>>>> in the other cases I've used the "launcher" term to cover all of Dash,
>>>> because the whole Dash is mostly about launching stuff, whether using
>>>> the launcher quick start items or browsing via the Dash views.
>>>> Also, as an user of Unity it hasn't made much sense to me what's Dash
>>>> and what's launcher, since the whole Dash term isn't used anywhere in
>>>> the UI while the Launcher is (when right clicking on launcher icons).
>>>> It's almost like the whole "Dash" term was a nice codename for what
>>>> the UX team was designing, but the term is not actually that necessary
>>>> for users. It's just the "launcher", "left bar" (+ overlay that comes
>>>> "from the left bar"), "top left corner icon" etc. Eg. "Open the top
>>>> left corner icon and type into the search field" is much better for
>>>> users than "Open the Dash and type into search field" since the Dash
>>>> term doesn't tell anything about where it is actually.
>>>> -Timo
>>>> --
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>>   Ola,
>>   [DISCLAIMER: O Unity é unha das razóns polas que me vou mudar cara a
>> outra distribución; así que xa advirto de que non empreguei o Dash
>> persoalmente, polo que pode que non teña moi claro todos os seus usos.
>> Pero en calqueira caso, aquí van os meus dous céntimos...]
>>   Estiven a darlle voltas a este tema. Pregúntome se en Castelán usarán
>> "Salpicadero", que parece a mellor tradución (para Dashboard), pero
>> que non ten equivalente en Galego, ata onde eu sei.
>>   Outra reflexión a ter en conta, é que "Dash", coma eu o entendo, é
>> unha especie de xogo de palabras, que tamén implica a idea de
>> axilidade, face-las cousas de forma veloz (Dash = carreira rápida,
>> sprint: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/100_yard_dash). Non creo que
>> podamos atopar un termo curto que resuma a idea de "cadro de mandos" e
>> de "axilidade".
>>   O de "botoadura" que propón Antón gústame, porque me lembra a
>> "botadura", que ten que ver co feito de "lanzar" aplicativos, e tamén
>> co concepto asociado de "dock" =>  "peirao" doutras interfaces gráficas
>> (MacOS, GNUstep, etc). Pero claro, iso só é unha asociación de ideas
>> friqui da miña perturbada cachola.
>>   En realidade, ignoro se "Dock" se está a traducir coma "Peirao", así
>> que, se non é o caso, tamén me gustaría propoñer esta palabra. E xa
>> postos, ¿que tal "Dársena"? Sei que é un concepto completamente
>> distinto a Dash(board), pero é foneticamente parecido.
>>   Por outra banda, gustaríame propoñer tamén "Estantería", pero coido
>> que non existe en Galego, así que deixareino en "Estante", que non me
>> gusta tanto. Outras alternativas coma "Biblioteca" xa se usan para
>> outros conceptos completamente distintos e polo tanto non serven.
>>   En resumo:
>>    * +1 botoadura
>>    * Propostas propias: Equivalencia de "Salpicadero" -se a hai-;
>> "Peirao", "Dársena" -por fonética similar-; Equivalencia de
>> "Estantería" -se a hai-, "Estante".
>>   Un saúdo,
>>   Román
>> --
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