Re: Traducció del jokosher
David Planella
david.planella at
Thu Mar 22 18:25:56 GMT 2007
Bones Jordi,
No me'n parlis del jokosher, que fa un mes que l'intento pujar :(.
Ja ho he intentat 3 cops, casualment l'últim va ser ahir abans que
m'enviessis el teu correu demanant-me com estava el tema.
Resulta que me'l deixa pujar, però al cap d'unes quantes hores el
Rosetta m'envia un correu dient-me que hi ha un error de format, el
qual jo no puc confirmar -almenys amb les eines del gettext.
Tal com recomana el correu del Rosetta, vaig enviar un missatge als
mantenidors del Rosetta. Em van contestar (en Jordi Mallach, per cert)
que no hi havien vist res obvi i que s'ho mirarien. Però encara no he
rebut cap resposta.
Avui els hi tornaré a enviar un correu a veure què passa.
Adjunto a continuació la còpia de l'intercanvi de correus com a referència:
1) El meu missatge original:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Planella <david.planella at>
Date: 27/02/2007 20:05
Subject: Re: Import problem - Catalan (ca) - jokosher in Jokosher trunk
To: Rosetta SWAT Team <rosetta at>
I'm contacting you with regards to the failed upload mentioned at the
end of this message. I checked the file format before the upload with
'msgfmt' and it did not give me any errors.
I checked it again from the location you gave me
( and it did not
give me any errors either:
dpm at microstar:~/swdev/l10n/jokosher$ msgfmt -cv -o /dev/null jokosher-ca.po
349 missatges traduïts.
(349 missatges traduïts means 349 translated messages)
So now I'm contacting you for further directions on how to solve this
problem as per the instructions on your last e-mail.
> [...] If you check
> the file and you don't find any error in it, please, contact us to
> help you with this problem.
Many thanks in advance,
David Planella
2007/2/27, Rosetta SWAT Team <rosetta at>:
> Hello David Planella,
> On 2007-02-26 20:56+0000 (2 hours 39 minutes ago), you uploaded a file with
> Catalan (ca) translations for jokosher in Jokosher trunk in Rosetta.
> We didn't import it because we found errors in the file format.
> You can check this file with the 'msgfmt' command. Please fix any
> error raised by that tool and upload the file again. If you check
> the file and you don't find any error in it, please, contact us to
> help you with this problem.
> For your convenience, you can get the file you uploaded at:
> Thanks for using Rosetta.
> The Rosetta SWAT Team
2) La resposta d'en Jordi:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jordi Mallach <jordi at>
Date: 27/02/2007 20:48
Subject: Re: Import problem - Catalan (ca) - jokosher in Jokosher trunk
To: David Planella <david.planella at>
Cc: Rosetta SWAT Team <rosetta at>
Hi David!
On Tue, Feb 27, 2007 at 08:05:06PM +0100, David Planella wrote:
> I checked it again from the location you gave me
> ( and it did not
> give me any errors either:
> dpm at microstar:~/swdev/l10n/jokosher$ msgfmt -cv -o /dev/null jokosher-ca.po
> 349 missatges traduïts.
Indeed, I've checked the file myself and I can't see anything obvious.
Danilo, carlos, may this be a parser bug?
David, great translation! I'd just suggest using A_juda instead of
_Ajuda though.
Jordi Mallach Pérez -- Debian developer
jordi at jordi at
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3) L'últim correu que vaig enviar:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Planella <david.planella at>
Date: 27/02/2007 21:10
Subject: Re: Import problem - Catalan (ca) - jokosher in Jokosher trunk
To: Rosetta SWAT Team <rosetta at>
Hi Jordi,
thanks for the prompt reply.
I know it shouldn't, but could it be that the following line is the problem?
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME <EMAIL at ADDRESS>\n"
I know on most translations the value is just left blank, but I simply
left it as it originally was. In any case, it should still be a valid
.po file.
> David, great translation! I'd just suggest using A_juda instead of
> _Ajuda though.
Thanks for the suggestion, I'll change it once all this is sorted.
El 22/03/07, Jordi Irazuzta <irazuzta at> ha escrit:
> He anat directament a la pàgina del projecte Jokosher de Launchpad i des
> d'allí si he pogut muntar la traducció.
Ara mateix veig que la traducció encara no hi és, per tant suposo que
desgraciadament t'ha passat com a mi.
> On 3/21/07, Jordi Irazuzta <irazuzta at> wrote:
> > Hola David, ja vas pujar el Jokosher?
Hmm, no sé perquè, però aquest missatge que em vas enviar ahir només
l'he pogut veure als arxius de la llista, sembla ser que no m'ha
arribat a la safata d'entrada del gmail, si no ja t'hauria contestat.
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